Schaff Trend Cycle 1 nrp mtf 600+
- Indicator to analyze and study cycles and trends
PET-D Slow
- Indicator to show early trends with coloring candle
- MQL4编写的移动平均自动交易策略。 可在MT4上编译并执行。买卖信号执行条件为移动平均线金叉发生后生成买入信号。(MQL4's moving average automatic trading strategy. It can be compiled and executed on MT4. The sale of signal condition for moving average crossover occurs after generating a buy signal.)
- 用于MQL4中,代码解释,新手快速看懂,希望朋友能提供更好MQL4-EA代码(Used in MQL4, code interpretation, novice quick to understand, hope that friends can provide better MQL4-EA code)
- 这是一个通道指标的源码 中间是多空线 上下两条轨道是通道线 k线实体突破上轨做多,跌破下轨做空。上下轨分别也是止损位(his is a source of intermediate channel index is two tracks long and short line is the channel line K-line entity breakthrough track, below the short track. The upper and lower rails are also
- 计算K线形态代码: 返回相应形态的值。例如:光头光脚阳线、光头光脚阴线、下引线阳线、上引线阴线、下引线阳线、上引线阴线、上下引线阳线、上引线阴线等等形态值(Calculate the K line form code)
3 MA Cross w_Alert v2
- ma均线指标,比较直观的mt4指标,值得参考,mq4文件,可改编(MA cross alert, mq4,3 MA Cross w_Alert v2)
- 给Mt4平台用的ATR指标,可以帮助投资者掌握市场波动情况(this is a indicator,which can help win in the market)
Five-factor Model
- 早在1993年,Fama和French两个人就已经发表了他们的三因子模型,认为股票的超额收益可以由市场风险、市值风险、账面市值比风险来共同解释。后来,这两个人发现了除了上述风险,还有盈利水平风险、投资水平风险也能带来个股的超额收益,并在2013年发表了五因子模型。(Five factor model; quantitative investment)
- MT4时间显示 可以提示不同地区市场状况。(MT4 time display can indicate the market situation in different regions.)
- 使用matlab语言验证马科维兹的有效组合理论,应用于金融专业(Verify Portfolio theory in Matlab to use widely in Finance.)
- [EA]简单的均线穿越 移动平均线,Moving Average,简称MA,MA是用统计分析的方法,将一定时期内的证券价格(指数)加以平均,并把不同时间的平均值连接起来,形成一根MA,用以观察证券价格变动趋势的一种技术指标。([EA] simple traversing)