- 计算质量参与系数,根据质量参与系数可以有效的确定所需的振型阶数等。(The mass participation coefficient can be calculated, and the order of vibration modes can be determined effectively according to the mass participation coefficient.)
- geoda分省地图,包含各省市自治区,shp文件,dbt文件格式(Geoda Province map, including provinces, autonomous regions, shp files, DBT file formats)
- 用FDTD实现一维、三维空间的电磁波传播模拟。(FDTD is used to simulate the propagation of electromagnetic waves in one and three-dimensional space.)
- 调用百度AI开放平台动物识别API和百度百科API进行动物识别(Call Baidu AI open platform to identify API and Baidu Encyclopedia API for animal identification.)
Introduction aux systèmes MIMO 6
- or a generic communications link, this example focuses on transmit diversity in lieu of traditional receive diversity. Using the flat-fading Rayleigh channel, it illustrates the concept of Orthogonal Space-Time Block Coding, which is employable when
Introduction aux systèmes MIMO 5
- For a chosen system, it also provides a measure of the performance degradation when the channel is imperfectly estimated at the receiver, compared to the case of perfect channel knowledge at the receiver.
Introduction aux systèmes MIMO 4
- Transmit Diversity vs. Receive Diversity
Introduction aux systèmes MIMO 2
- This example shows Multiple-Input-Multiple-Output (MIMO) systems
Introduction aux systèmes MIMO 1
- This example shows Multiple-Input-Multiple-Output (MIMO) systems, which use multiple antennas at the transmitter and receiver ends of a wireless communication system.
- 非常需要的可以下载看看,适合初学者学习,好的算法和程序(Very good algorithm and program, suitable for beginners to learn, need to download to see.)
- 经验模态分解(Empirical Mode Decomposition,简称EMD))方法被认为是2000年来以傅立叶变换为基础的线性和稳态频谱分析的一个重大突破?,该方法是依据数据自身的时间尺度特征来进行信号分解,无须预先设定任何基函数。 该方法的关键是经验模式分解,它能使复杂信号分解为有限个本征模函数(Intrinsic Mode Function,简称IMF),所分解出来的各IMF分量包含了原信号的不同时间尺度的局部特征信号。经验模态分解法能使非平稳数据进行平稳化
- 对高超声速飞机动力学方程进行线性化和工作点配平(Linearization of dynamic equations for hypersonic aircraft and balancing of working points)