- 计算K线在各个周期的即时斜率,和任意一条均线的即时斜率,均线可以设置参数(Calculate the instant slope of K-line in each cycle, and the instant slope of any average line, and the EMA can set parameters.)
外汇EA --辅助BL止盈 源码
- 该外汇ea为MT4操盘辅助工具,当价格运行到布林上线时平多单,当价格运行到布林下线时平空单
- 外汇ea刷单,免费试用,欢迎提建议,给大家一个简单的机会,朋友给的(Foreign exchange EA brush)
汇盈Trend Hedge v2.3 豪华版
- 外汇ea交易系统,趋势智能交易,稳定,可以测试,了解一下(Experts adviser, which include source code and some other info for you to understand,it's a good system will help you make money.)
- 外汇ea交易系统,趋势智能交易,稳定,可以测试,了解一下的(Experts adviser, which include source code and some other info for you to understand,it's a good system will help you make money.yes.)
- 外汇ea交易系统,趋势智能交易,稳定,可以测试,了解。(Experts adviser, which include source code and some other info for you to understand,it's a good system will help you make money.ok)
[量化] 打开量化投资的黑箱
- 量化投资是指通过数量化方式及计算机程序化发出买卖指令,以获取稳定收益为目的的交易方式。(Quantified investment refers to the way of trading orders through quantitative methods and computer programming to obtain stable returns.)
- forex ea 在晚间 剥头皮 盈利非常少 但是稳定(forex ea Peeling off the scalp at night is very small but stable)
- 通达信缠论分笔分段公式,以及二买选股公式(The pen proof easy to use plug-in section containing instructions for and two buying stock selection formula.)
- GARCH模型的matlab程序,使用最大似然估计方法进行参数估计(The matlab program of the GARCH model uses maximum likelihood estimation to estimate the parameters.)
- 外汇跟单软件 和更改货币对名称及后缀(Foreign exchange merchandising software and change currency pair name and suffix)
- 跟单软件 需要验证 可更改货币名称及后缀名(The documentary software needs to verify the currency name and suffix name.)