zidonghuaxian 通达信系统使用的压力支撑线自动画线指标源码
- 通达信系统使用的压力支撑线自动画线指标源码。-Accessible information system to support the pressure line from the movie line indicator source.
- ISO8583协议的解包和打包程序,具有一定的参考价值,ISO8583 protocol solutions kits and packing procedures, with the reference value must
- 从通达信日线文件读取数据,以此编写自己的股票应用程序-Letter from the accessible data file is read daily in order to write your own stock application
- 金钱豹matlab测试设计方法 打开金钱豹 —》 设置—》交易模型设置(同时,打开安装目录中matlabfiles文件夹,如果不存在,就解压对应的压缩文件matlabfiles )—》阅读其中的matlab程序(现有两个较为简单的示例策略) —》(假设我们要测试日内一分钟价差套利)—》选择接口类型matlab,添加模型名称,选择输入参数,选择输出参数,以及m文件路径—》以上步骤完成后按“修改",模型即转入—》打开测试品种的行情(IF1005,IF1006)——》转换成一分钟频率(按”分时/周
- StepMA_3D_v1,一个广为流传的外汇交易指标,很直观。-StepMA_3D_v1, a widely circulated currency trading indicators, very intuitive.
CTP_MdApi CTP交易实例的源代码
- CTP交易实例的源代码,用于做CTP接口使用的参考设计-CTP transaction instance
- 这是银行磁条卡的标准规范ISO7811的内容。详细描述了编码的一些规则,内容等。对于需要了解磁条卡的用户有用。-This is the bank magnetic stripe card standards ISO7811 content. Detailed descr iption of the encoding some of the rules, content. For users who need to understand the magnetic stripe card usefu
- 股票公式代码转换器。将通达信、飞狐等公式直译为中文。-Stock formula code converter. The letter will be accessible, flying fox and other formulas, literally translated as Chinese.
- 国外使用JAVA编写的,使用在POS机的8583协议组包和解包程序-Using the JAVA abroad to prepare to use POS machines in the 8583 protocol suite package reconciliation package program
- GoldNStream v2.Test by 1 year on EURUSD M30 : performance ~3100 and more, shoulder 1:100, optimal risk, reinvesting. Mid-term - because it works not inside of the day, and it will be very possible that it will do the only 100 trades for the whol
gphq 证券行情源代码
- 证券行情源代码,编译后可以实时显示证券行情-Stock market the source code, compiled real-time display stock quotes
- MT4 的移动平均线测试程序以及现金管理-MT4 moving average line test procedures and cash management