- 自动判断趋势,自主选择长短线策略,优缺点总结:对大行情有很好收获。2012就不是很好,短线止损大收获小(参数可调)(Automatically determine the trend, and choose the long and short line strategy)
- 一款好用又实惠的EA,能达到稳定盈利的目的。(A good and affordable EA can achieve the goal of stable profit)
Natuseko Protrader 4H
- 搜索信号 抛物线指标 RSI 指数均线 (EMA)自动平仓,(Search signal The parabolic index RSI exponent line (EMA) is automatically flat,)
- 手动选择震荡区间,突破区间后手动进场,启动ea。 ea止损设置成区间大小,盈亏比1:1以上,突破失败并止损后,ea自动双倍开反向单,再失败再反向开双倍单。倍数可以自由调整。(Manually select the concussion interval, break through the interval and move into the field manually, start EA. EA stop loss set to interval size, profit and los
- 外汇交易mt4交易策略。自编ea。收益率40%。(Foreign exchange trading mt4 trading strategy. Self-made ea. Yield 40%.)
- CTP期货自动交易源代码集成包含8个范例程序源代码(CTP futures automated trading source code integration contains 8 examples of program source code)
- 剥头皮交易的希望之星,Panda Scalper Ea。使用方便,大大降低了风险,增加盈利的可能性。 平台:MetaTrader 货币对:任意(Scalping trading star of hope, Panda Scalper Ea. Easy to use, greatly reduce the risk, increase the possibility of profit. Platform: MetaTrader Currency pair: arbitra
- 外汇支撑阻力是外汇操作中常用的指标,结合其他技术指标能有效的判断价格的走势。(Foreign exchange support resistance is a common index in foreign exchange operation, and it can effectively judge the trend of prices combined with other technical indicators.)
- fapturbo ea finance expert advisor
- MT4的枢轴点指标,这个指标里包含多种枢轴点,可在参数设置里切换。(A good source code that has been ignored on MT4)
Early disc scalp trading system
- 外汇早盘剥头皮交易系统,具有高胜率的特点,对于点差、延迟、滑点要求比较高(Foreign exchange trading scalping trading system, it has the characteristics of high success rate, to spread, delay, sliding point requirements are relatively high)
Five-factor Model
- 早在1993年,Fama和French两个人就已经发表了他们的三因子模型,认为股票的超额收益可以由市场风险、市值风险、账面市值比风险来共同解释。后来,这两个人发现了除了上述风险,还有盈利水平风险、投资水平风险也能带来个股的超额收益,并在2013年发表了五因子模型。(Five factor model; quantitative investment)