- mataqipan 数据结构课程设计之马踏棋盘(非递归实现)
- liulanqi JAVA编写的简易浏览器
- tuopupaixu 实现拓扑排序算法
- dianlidianzi 基于MATLAB的一些电力电子的仿真分析
- yibiaopan A Android version of the Internet speed test is based on the principle of downloading a fixed size file to test. It can be similar to the computer speed on the current speed and average speed. There is a very beautiful dashboard effect. A friend in need can download and research it.
- 此系统名字为Oa办公自动化管理系统,主要功能有通讯组管理,企业计划,员工管理,会议管理,考勤管理等模块。采用了jsp+Servlet来开发编写,分普通用户权限和管理员用户权限进行相应操作。此系统设计来自毕业实习课题团队开发作品,基本成形但还存在很多不足之处,仅供大家学习和参考。-Oa the name of this system for office automation management system, the main functions of group management for
- 网趣网上购物系统时尚版V9.2,建网上购物网站源代码。网趣网上购物系统是互联网上一套非常成熟的网上开店软件。来自网络!-Net Fun Fashion online shopping system version V9.2, build the source code online shopping site. Fun online shopping network is the Internet a very mature software online shop. From the netw
- 圣诞津贴之应课税金额计算方法,津贴管理系统-Christmas allowance for the calculation of taxable amount
- 是一个客户信息管理系统 是一个客户信息管理系统 -Is a customer information management system is a customer information management system is a customer information management system is a customer information management system
- 一个功能比较全的酒店管理系统 有一点基本功能-Comparison of a functional system-wide management of the hotel it is the basic functions of
- 一个功能比较全的图书馆管理系统 可以实现一些基本功能-A function of the library management system-wide to achieve some of the basic functions of
- 学生信息管理系统,用汇编语言写成,共有八个功能,插入,排序,修改,显示等,功能较为齐全-Student Information Management System, written in assembly language with a total of eight features, insert, sort, modify, display, function is more complete
- 企业管理系统主要有查看,编辑,审核,上传等功能。-company manger
- 电脑维修信息管理系统。维修过程中对有关的各类数据进行输入、修改、查询等工作-Computer information management system for maintenance. Maintenance process of the various types of data input, modification, query, etc.
- 变电所站管理系统(包括界面显示,与下位通讯,数据库)-Substation Station Management System (with lower communications, database)
- 进销存管理系统 现行进销存管理系统的一个模拟,功能齐全 -Purchase, Sales and Inventory Management System for the Purchase, Sales and Inventory Management System of a simulated