- 光信号在光纤中传输会受到色散现象的影响,使得信号产生畸变,对信号提前进行预补偿,使得在接收端能获得质量较好的信号。
Introduction aux systèmes MIMO 6
- or a generic communications link, this example focuses on transmit diversity in lieu of traditional receive diversity. Using the flat-fading Rayleigh channel, it illustrates the concept of Orthogonal Space-Time Block Coding, which is employable when
Introduction aux systèmes MIMO 5
- For a chosen system, it also provides a measure of the performance degradation when the channel is imperfectly estimated at the receiver, compared to the case of perfect channel knowledge at the receiver.
Introduction aux systèmes MIMO 4
- Transmit Diversity vs. Receive Diversity
Introduction aux systèmes MIMO 2
- This example shows Multiple-Input-Multiple-Output (MIMO) systems
Introduction aux systèmes MIMO 1
- This example shows Multiple-Input-Multiple-Output (MIMO) systems, which use multiple antennas at the transmitter and receiver ends of a wireless communication system.
- 在发射端发射大时宽、带宽信号,以提高信号的速度测量精度和速度分辨力,而在接收端,将宽脉冲信号压缩为窄脉冲,以提高雷达对目标的距离分辨精度和距离分辨力。(In order to improve the speed measurement accuracy and speed resolution of the signal at the transmitter, the wide pulse signal is compressed into a narrow pulse at the recei
- DF中继系统衰落情况下的最大比合并误码率仿真(Maximum ratio combined bit error rate simulation in DF relay system fading)
- 小区光缆路由敷设施工图参考,欢迎下载。。。。(Reference of construction drawing of optical cable routing in residential district)
- 现代通信系统第二版matlab+源代码程序(Matlab source code of the second edition of modern communication system)
GPS Galileo SDR Book
- 附件是《软件定义的GPS和伽利略接收机》一书的matlab代码,开发者可以学习、利用、优化和提升,详细它会给你带来很多灵感。(The appendix is the matlab code of the book "software defined GPS and Galileo Receiver". Developers can learn, use, optimize and upgrade, and it will give you a lot of inspirati
- UltraWideband application