- Retail Management System is a retail store management program developed in Java. It uses Oracle Express as its back end to store the data. The user can add products, create invoice and issue bills to the customers maintaining updated stock status.
- 超市后台管理系统源代码。用servlet实现了分页查询,同时还有用oracle存储过程实现在存储过程中分页。-Supermarket back-office management system source code. Servlet implements paging queries, as well as the oracle stored procedure stored procedure paging.
- 这是用VC实现的一个商品库管理系统软件,可以实现增删改功能,非常适合初学者-this is a shop system
- 超市管理系统,针对超市购物信息的记录进行管理,例如就是购物的整个一个过程的功能实现。-Supermarket management system for supermarket shopping information records management functions such as an entire process is the shopping
- 小型超市管理系统,进销存,同时更新库存账单-Small supermarket management system, inventory, and update the inventory bill
- 超市管理信息系统。很强大没有错误基本功能都有还包括了毕业论文-Supermarket management information systems. Very powerful error the basic functions have also included a thesis
- 一个网上购物系统,采用B/S架构,采用ASP技术。-The program is used for people to go shopping on the internet.
- 超市收银系统,后台,前台,小票打印,钱箱控制。pos机操控.-Supermarket cash register system, the background, foreground, small ticket printing, box control. POS machine control.
- 本案例模拟饮料自动售货机的销售过程。首先由顾客投币,机器显示投币金额。接下来顾客选择要购买的饮料,如果投币金额足够并且所购饮料存在,则提示用户在出口处取走饮料,同时找零。如果投币金额不足,则显示提示信息。如果所购饮料已经售完,显示售完信息-This case simulation drinks the vending machine the sales process. First of all by the customer coin, slot machine showed that amo
- 用c分文件形式编写的一个管理系统,有创建商品信息,浏览,购物单,排序,密码管理等功能-A management system written in the form of c sub-file, create product information, browsing, shopping list, sorting, and password management
- This scr ipt is an innovative thought to simplify the Transportation problems of Employees of an organization. In the present System, Organization do maintain a person for the allocating and proper functioning of transportation .The Person appointed
- 采用VISUAL C++ 和Sql 2005开发的一套超市管理系统,通过该系统的学习,能够让开发者学习常用控件的使用方法以及软件开发的步骤和流程! -VISUAL C++ and Sql 2005 to develop a set of supermarket management system that allows developers to learn the system, learning the steps and processes of the use of common c