- 用户登陆的jsp 区分两种用户 用户登陆的jsp 区分两种用户-users landing jsp allow users to distinguish between the two landing jsp to distinguish between users
- 这是一个SQL解释器,功能不是很全,由于本身内存数据库提供的功能限制,提供的SQL也有很多的限制: 1、select不支持按字段取值,一次查询获取所有字段 2、查询条件之间的关系只支持AND 3、UPDATE一次只更新一个字段 4、不支持函数-This is an SQL parser, function is not very wide, due to the functional limitations of itself memory database, SQL provi
- 使用C++编写的对ODBC封装类。对ODBC的主要操作进行了类的封装。-The use of ODBC written in c++ wrapper class.The encapsulation of main operation of ODBC.
- 大家来玩玩,usb的吧,希望对你有帮助,如有不当之处请改后发回给我-everyone to play, usb, huh, and I hope to help you, if anything wrong with the requested change after I returned to the
- mysql 连接数据库 基础类.新手必备.-mysql connection
- VB根据计算机信息生成序列号,主要是根据C盘的序列号以及主机名称生成序列号,一般来说,C盘序列号是独有的,虽然计算机名称有可能重复,但是几率非常小,因此用这两个限制参数去生成的序列号一般来说是独立无二的,采用这种机制去生成注册软件,很难被破解,如果你是一位软件开发者,那么本程序对你或许很有用。-VB serial number of computer generated information is mainly based on C drive' s serial number and
- 韩顺平 雇员管理系统 V1.0版 (跳转)-Han Shunping Employee Management System V1.0 version
- 此代码为利用PL/SQL开发数据库存储过程的典型示例,此为第4部分,希望大家可以通过该代码清楚如何利用SQL语句实现复杂的业务逻辑。-this code for the use of PL / SQL stored procedures development of the database of typical examples of this Part 4 We can hope that the adoption of the code clearly how to use SQL to
- This scr ipt collects details related to CDC setup and activity. It is recommended to run with markup html ON (default is on) and generate an HTML file for web viewing. -This scr ipt collects details related to CDC setup and activity. It
- bcb 较全面的mysql类需要安装mysql,包含头文件#include "mysql.h" #pragma comment(lib,"libmySQL.lib")-bcb more comprehensive class need to install mysql mysql, include the header file# include "mysql.h" # pragma comment (lib, "libmySQL.lib")
- This an example of using Oracle s SGAAPI.-This is an example of using Oracle s SGAAPI.
- 十分有用的SQL语句, select a.S# from (select s#,score from SC where C#= 001 ) a,(select s#,score from SC where C#= 002 ) b where a.score>b.score and a.s#=b.s#-Useful SQL statement select a.S# from (select s#,score from SC where C#= 001 ) a,(