- 据结构——运动会 为帮助同学们尽快进入编程状态特提供此例 1.将SqList.h、Md好啊(According to the structure of games to help the students as soon as possible to enter the state in 1. will provide special programming of SqList.h and Md.)
- 一个编程语言的javacc解析器。 代码中提供了详细信息和评论。(A javacc parser for a simple programming languages. Details and comments has been given in the code.)
- lua framework for unity , unity for lua frame
- CAD插件,屏幕旋转功能很好用。命令是FNZP! CAD插件,屏幕旋转功能很好用。命令是FNZP!(CAD plug-in, screen rotation is very useful. Command is FNZP!)
- CMake是一种跨平台编译工具,比make更为高级,使用起来要方便得多.(cmake compile.The release was packaged with CPack which is included as part of the release. The .sh files are self extracting gziped tar files. To install a .sh file, run it with /bin/sh and follow the directions.
- 预测分析法(LL(1)方法)的基本思想是:从文法开始符S出发,从左到右扫描源程序,每次通过向前查看 1 个字符,选择合适的产生式,生成中间推导过程以及句子的最左推导。本程序可以输入预测分析表,输出最左推导和中间过程。(The basic idea of prediction analysis method (LL (1)) is to start from the grammar start symbol S, and scan the source program from left to r
- Car park management, car add, car remove, car pending
compiler design
- 编译原理本科资料课件,作者,Alfred V.Aho, Monica S.Lam,英文第二版(Compiler design, undergraduate course materials)
- 词法分析程序是独立的一遍,把字符流的源程序变为单词序列,输出到一个中间文件,这个文件作为语法分析程序的输入而继续编译过程。该词法分析程序的功能是输入源程序,按照构词规则分解成一系列的单词符号,包括关键字、标识符、运算符、界符和常量等。(The lexical analysis program is an independent one, which turns the source program of the character stream into a word sequence and
- 这是一个fb语言的解释器,供解释器学习者学习。zsbd(This is an interpreter for fuckbrain language, which is for interpreter learners to learn.)
第三次作业 (2)
- matlab数值积分算,假设储罐的密度和液氨的压力不变。模拟液氨储罐高架连续点源,在不同泄露速率、稳定度和风速下连续泄漏扩散的情况。当液氨储罐泄漏达到稳定状态时,扩散模型见下式:(During the leakage process, the pressure of the tank and the liquid ammonia density will change with the increase of the leakage amount. This change will be gra
- 一个vc6的最小编译器(ANSI C命令行版本)只可编译 .c文件,无其他功能。(A minimal compiler of VC6 (ANSI C command line version) can compile.C files without any other functions.)