- START set the matlab path based to the current folder, then open an interface with three button: initialization, start and stop. The father folder should contain a folder named WDETV2 with the Matlab code, a folder named GUI with this start
- START set the matlab path based to the current folder, then open an interface with three button: initialization, start and stop. The father folder should contain a folder named WDETV2 with the Matlab code, a folder named GUI with this start
- Program for Retinal Blood Vessel Extraction Author : Athi Narayanan S M.E, Embedded Systems, K.S.R College of Engineering Erode, Tamil Nadu, India. http://sites.google.com/site/athisnarayanan/ s_athi1983@yahoo.co.in Progra
- EDGELINK - Link edge points in an image into lists Usage: [edgelist edgeim, etypr] = edgelink(im, minlength, location) **Warning** minlength is ignored at the moment because cleanedgelist has some bugs and can be memory hungry -EDGEL
- function [jaccardIdx,jaccardDist] = jaccard_coefficient(img_Orig,img_Seg) Jaccard index and distance co-efficient of segmemted and ground truth- function [jaccardIdx,jaccardDist] = jaccard_coefficient(img_Orig,img_Seg) Jaccard index and dist
- Main function Usage : main_dwt INPUT : Raw Lena image OUTPUT : PSNR value of the denoised image Load clean image- Main function Usage : main_dwt INPUT : Raw Lena image OUTPUT : PS
- CudaPAD is a PTX/SASS viewer for NVIDIA Cuda kernels -CudaPAD is a PTX/SASS viewer for NVIDIA Cuda kernels Introduction CudaPAD is software that aids in the optimizing and understanding of NVidia’s Cuda kernels by displaying an on-the-fly vi
- 获取硬盘序列号的经典程序,支持SATA和SICI硬盘。-Get hard disk serial number of the classic program that supports SATA and SICI hard drive.
- Stm32f40x DMA control source
- 编译原理的词法分析器代码,主要实现了识别关键字的功能-Compiler theory lexical analyzer Codes
- This source for serial communication-This is source for serial communication
- This program computes optimal path, block by block a source file having two sets of values-This program computes optimal path, block by block a source file having two sets of values