- 编译原理的词法分析的c++代码,比如要分析的单词int i=5 经词法分析后输出结果到文件-Compilation Principle of lexical analysis of the c++ code, for example to analyze the word int i = 5 by lexical analysis output to a file
- 反编译工具,将.class文件编译成java源代码,以方便查看源代码。-Decompilation tools that will. Class files compiled into a java source code, to facilitate view the source code.
- 一个mips指令集的汇编器,可以支持40几条指令的汇编,是学习汇编器的好资料-A mips assembler instruction set that can support 40 a compilation of several commands, is good information to learn assembler
- 单总线多点测温系统,单总线它采用单根信号线既传输时钟又传输数据,而且数据传输是双向的它具有节省I/O 口线资源结构简单成本低廉便于总线扩展和维护等诸多优点。-Single-bus multi-point temperature measurement system, a single bus, it uses a single transmission clock signal lines also transmit both data and data transmission is a tw
- 单总线多点测温系统,单总线它采用单根信号线既传输时钟又传输数据,而且数据传输是双向的它具有节省I/O 口线资源结构简单成本低廉便于总线扩展和维护等诸多优点。本系统中所有的DS18B20都接在单片机的P1.1口上。用一个液晶屏显示,从单片机P3口接上8个开关,与右边的DS18B20 编号对应。当没有开关按下时屏幕显示"which NO you want press which key",要想看那一点处的温度就按下几号键-Single-bus multi-point temperature meas
- MFC 列表框的使用,包括列表框的调用和显示.以及选项的获取.-the use of listbox in MFC,includding call and diaplay of listbox,and how we can checked
- Lex与Yacc简明教程 作者  :Thomas  Niemann  翻译: 傅惠忠-A Concise Guide to Lex and Yacc Author: Thomas Niemann Translation: Fu Huizhong
- 1.一款精致小巧但非常犀利的xml解析器,能够在windows和linux编译的使用。 2.源代码附带了测试程序,但并不能直接编译通过,笔者做了小徐改动,保证能够在VC6.0的环境下编译通过。 3.附带了详细xml中文指南。-1. A compact but very sharp xml parser can be compiled in windows and linux use. 2. The source code with the test procedure, but can
- 多次诉讼,,tingdsfhoaso-xc
- 编译原理大作业,完成了词法分析,递归下降分析,LL(1)分析,算符优先分析,中间代码生成等-Compiler Construction Principles large operations, completed a lexical analysis, recursive descent analysis, LL (1) analysis, operator priority analysis, intermediate code generation, etc.
- 这可是修正的汉化版本呀。反汇编的极品工具。破解必备!一个在WiNDOWS9X上的反汇编追踪程序-This is a Chinese version of the amendment, but呀. The Need for tools for disassembly. Crack must have! WiNDOWS9X on a follow-up procedures for disassembly
- this a new idea for generating syntax parsing code,it can be used instead of lex and yacc toolz-this is a new idea for generating syntax parsing code,it can be used instead of lex and yacc toolz