- 用DSP进行语音压缩的经典开发实例(PCI总线)-A typical sample of developing which use DSP to compress speech signal
- 在RING0中使用RING3函数MessageBox.-in RING0 use RING3 MessageBox function.
- klatt共振峰语音合成器,可以修改模型参数达到修改合成语音音质的目的。该程序采用gtk开发,可跨平台使用-Formant voice synthesizer, model parameters can be amended to meet the synthetic voice quality purposes. The program uses gtk development, the use of cross-platform
- 这个才是好东西,语音识别相比大家都知道,但是目前市场上出现的效果都不是太好,这个代码也是语文转换,效果还可以,但是说话不能口音太重-This one is just good thing, speech recognition compare with all know , but now, the effect that appears on market does not be too good , this code is also Chinese conversion, effect r
- 这是一个流行的语音信号处理工具包,在语音识别方面很有帮助-This is a popular voice signal processing toolkit, the helpful voice recognition
- 语音识别程序 可读出文本框中的文字,单词-a voise idetifying program,it can read string and word in word frame
- 一个完整的基于Matlab的DTW模型算法及高效算法程序,能快速识别数字0-9,运行testdtw即可。-An excellent MATLAB program for the algorithm as a DTW model. It can recognise the number of 0-9. Try it, just run testdtw.
- 用MATLAB开发的语音识别中语音特征提取方法之一MF-MATLAB development of voice recognition voice feature extraction method MF
sphinx source code
- CMU大名鼎鼎的SPHINX-3大词汇量连续语音识别系统,应用于Unix和Windows,做语音识别的必备工具。-CMU famous SPHINX-3 large vocabulary continuous speech recognition system, used in Unix and Windows, so the essential voice recognition tools.
- HTKBook,剑桥大学语音识别工具包HTK的说明文档。PDF格式,有对HTK的详细说明。-HTKbook, the resume file of speech recognition tool kit HTK of Cambridge University. PDF, have the detail descr iption for HTK
Paris ica
- ica 权威paris在很久以前写的ica算法程序,稍作修改可以用于声音信号识别。-Paris, one of the authorities of ICA, created the program at long time ago. It can be used to recognise speech signal if modify a little.
- 一个语音压缩的C语音源代码,把模拟声音信号通过数字转换为PCM编码-a voice compression voice of C source code, analog voice signals into digital PCM encoder