- speech signal processing in matlab
- it is all about matlab and voice recognition. very good
- dog filter used for image filtering
- 语音唤醒就是在设备待机状态下,用户说出特定的语音指令(唤醒词)使设备进入工作状态或完成某一操作。设备为了实现语音唤醒功能,就需要设备实时监听,也就是实时的录音并分析有没有唤醒词来唤醒设备。评价一个语音唤醒系统的标准有三个:唤醒正确率、误报率、功耗。一般情况下,唤醒正确率越高 ,误报率也越高。好的系统就需要唤醒率高,误报率低,功耗低。(Speech wakeup is when the device is in standby mode, the user speaks a particular
- 基于BP网络和多特征的语音端点检测,提取自相关函数最大值和频带方差作为BP网络输入,输出判断是否为语音信号。(A Speech Endpoint Detection Algorithm Based on BP Neural Network and Multiple Features)
Speech recognition using mfcc and lpc
- Speech recognition using mfcc and lpc in matlab
Shifted delta coefficients computation
- Shifted delta coefficients computation
solated words speech recognition in matlab
- Isolated words speech recognition in matlab
speech recognition in matlab1
- Speech recognition in matlab_v1
Speech recognition in matlab2
- Speech recognition in matlab
modulation spectrum
- 使用modulation spectrum的方法分解语音再合成,语音分解之后可以进行各种操作达到不同的音效,也可以做声源分离。(Modulation spectrum is emerging as a novel sound representation which has found applications in both ASR as well as most recently in audio coding.)
- 语音激活检测算法,安装好VS_2010即可直接编译,关联的文件里面都有。(Voice activity detection. Build by VS_2010. And there are all the files you need.)