- 一个通过语音控制电脑动作的程序,使用到了微软speech sdk.在微软智能代理(Agent)技术上,整合了语音合成和语音识别技术.,A computer through voice control action procedures, the use of the Microsoft speech sdk. In Microsoft Agent (Agent) technology, the integration of speech synthesis and voice recogniti
- 一个语音开发包动态连接库,很容易使用。, A pronunciation development package dynamic connection storehouse, is very easy to use.
speech.zip 利用微软的语音引擎使你的程序会朗读
- 利用微软的语音引擎使你的程序会朗读,需要安装微软语音引擎或者金山词霸, Causes your procedure using Microsoft s pronunciation engine to be able to read aloud, needs to install the Microsoft pronunciation engine or the Jinshan word tyrant
voicebox voicebox,matlab的语音信号处理工具箱
- voicebox,matlab的语音信号处理工具箱,可以进行语音识别、合成等,算法都很成熟-VOICEBOX is a speech processing toolbox consists of MATLAB routines that are maintained by and mostly written by Mike Brookes, Department of Electrical & Electronic Engineering, Imperial College, Exhi
LPC.ZIP 用线性预测的方法提取语音信号中的共振峰
- 用线性预测的方法提取语音信号中的共振峰,并进行共振峰轨迹的跟踪。-Extract formants from speech,and track them.
- 一段可以进行MFCC变换的源代码,包括若干个变换函数,MFCC can transform a section of source code, including a number of transformation function
- 用于盲信号分离的独立分量分析和主元分量分解以及独立分量分解的代码,For Blind Signal Separation of independent component analysis and principal component decomposition and independent component decomposition of the code
- 语音识别中语音特征参数提取的工具,对于语音参数分析有很好的作用,Speech recognition speech feature extraction tools for speech parameter analysis, have very good effect
- 安徽科大讯飞信息科技股份有限公司基于其全球领先的中文语音合成技术开发,这个是其开发包,Anhui Science and Technology Co., Ltd. inquiry flight information based on the world' s leading Chinese speech synthesis technology development, this is a development kit
- 用matlab仿真0到9十个数字的语音识别 1、对语音的WAV文件和LAB文件进行处理,产生十个文件,每个文件对应于一个数字,存贮着该数字的波形文件。(shujuzhengli.m) 2、分别利用上面十个文件训练出十个HMM模板,具体方法是:首先将语音的波形文件分帧,以128个点为一帧,帧移为64,每一帧通过mfcc.m计算出13个系数,随着波形的长度不同,一个语音文件可以计算得到13*N个系数,截取13*15的矩阵(mfcc系数)用作训练数据。一般一个HMM模板用20组mfcc系数
MFCC 对输入的语音序列x进行MFCC参数的提取
- 对输入的语音序列x进行MFCC参数的提取,返回MFCC参数和一阶差分MFCC参数,Mel滤波器的阶数为24,fft变换的长度为256,采样频率为8000Hz,对x 256点分为一帧. -The voice of the input MFCC parameters on the sequence of x, return to MFCC parameters and extracted a order difference MFCC parameters, Mel filter for th
Win32MspDemo_source 科大讯飞云服务声音识别最新demo
- 科大讯飞云服务声音识别最新demo,是目前最流程的免费语音文字转换平台-HKUST News Feiyun latest voice recognition services demo, is the most free speech text conversion process platform