- CepstrumPWiner 针对散焦模糊图像
- liu2 一个基于linux下的多线程的例子
- proiect In this paper we present the usefulness of the algorithm DCT (Discrete cosine Transform) blocks applied level image compression JPEG (Joint Photographic Experts Goup). It has been shown that this algorithm is the most efficient in the case of compression because it has very good properties for compaction energy related values. As a basic principle we eliminate high frequencies and keep the low and medium without visibly affecting image. DCT in JPEG compression algorithm is encountered in practical applications such as face detection
- Create-MyAccess-Database 利用labview自动建立access数据库
- SLIC_segment SLIC 超像素分割算法
- zfczhuansz 字符串转换为数字
- 声波在水中传播计算的matlab工具箱,包括射线模型、简正波模型、快速场模型等-underwater acoustic Simulaton toolbox for matlab
- 一个较为完整的校园铃声控制系统。可以任意设置时间次数。-A more complete control system ringing the campus. Views can be set-up times.
- 有限元分析的实例,有助于有限元软件ANSYS的熟悉与学习-Examples of finite element analysis, finite element software ANSYS helps familiarity with learning
- VC++实现电脑上位机通信典型案例,仪器较全,全部通过验证。-VC++ realizing the PC serial communication programs.
- Mastering OpenCV with Practical Computer Vision Projects 电子版书籍,源码。非常好的OpenCV实践书籍。-Mastering OpenCV with Practical Computer Vision Projects electronic version of the book, the source code. Very good OpenCV practice books.
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- 用C++编写的office自动化程序实例,大家多多学习啊,-Prepared using C++ examples of office automation process, we learn more, ah, thank you
- Printsdk is the software development kit for Print embedded fingerprint machine.it can develop communication program with embedded machine.for example,you can get enrolled user information from device,or set user information to device,the informa
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- ebook about network tannenbam
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- 数据结构(C语言版) 老版本 配套光盘,含源码和演示(Data Sturcture CD with code and demo)