java 4 示例源代码
- 《Java编程思想》第四版,所有的示例源代码,均下载于该书作者的个人官方网站。覆盖了该书第一章至最后一章的所有章节。
- 载入任意图像,在图像上自由选取任意两点,自动测量图像的像素距离(pixel)和进行实际距离(mm)的转换程序,C#写的,导入VS项目中直接运行可见效果。(Load any image, select any two points freely on the image, automatically measure the pixel distance of the image and carry out the conversion program of the actual distance
- C#,双目测距,检测空间中指定的一个点的距离. 通过对两幅图像视差的计算,直接对前方景物(图像所拍摄到的范围)进行距离测量.(C# binocular distance measurement is used to detect the distance of a specified point in the space. By calculating the parallax of two images, the distance of the front scene (the range o
- 最新的群智能优化算法,比粒子群算法好很多,方便在基础上进行修改,并且还有文档可以查看原理,略经修改,可以用在任何优化问题上,很好的算法,实在难得(The latest swarm intelligence optimization algorithm is much better than particle swarm optimization algorithm. It is convenient to modify on the basis of it. There are also doc
VB.net TCPIP 通讯范例
- 比较经典的学习资料,但代替不了亲身体验。(It's a classic learning material, but it can't replace personal experience)
- 代码实现了matlab完成LDPC编码,简洁有效且实现了误码率计算,但计算时间较长
常用数值算法丛书 Delphi常用数值算法集
- 常用数值算法丛书 Delphi常用数值算法集书中源代码
- 利用粒子滤波进行锂离子电池的循环寿命预测(Cycle life prediction of Li-ion battery by particle filter)
phase-field methods in material science and engineering书中案例
- phase-field methods in material science and engineering书中案例
- 书籍以及书中附带的源程序和数据,在阅读书籍过程中遇到较长的代码都可以在文档中找到源文件,方便运行,提升编程水平。(The source program and data attached to books can be found in documents when reading books. It is convenient to run and improve the level of programming.)
台达PLC VB通讯源码
- 台达PLC VB通讯源码,能读D区 M区
- This directory contains the ObjectARX samples. The directories below the samples folder correspond to categories that the samples demonstrate. Readme files in the sample directories explain what techniques and APIs are exploited by each sample. In