- VrArrow file download for delphi
- Component Delphi 7 to find and open the folder with the dialog box open folder
- Component Delphi 7 managed to open a separate process. The package includes a demo project.
- TLCDScreen is based on an original code Peter Czidlina s TLCDLabel v1.5a. There is no direct compatibility between TLCDScreen and TLCDLabel because some properties had been renames, added or removed the original code.-TLCDScreen is based on an origin
- The CEVersionInfo unit contains a single component TCEVersionInfo. This is a non-visual component that accesses version information resources in a given file.
- This unit contains a group of static classes and some global variables that provide information about the user s computer system and operating system.Include demo programm.
- TeeChart Pro是一款提供上百种2D和3D图形风格、40种数学和统计功能、加上无限制的轴和22种调色板组件供选择。TeeChart还包括一个强大的、完整的编辑对话框,几乎可用于每个组件和子组件,允许你快速的设计复杂图表应用程序。 图表编辑器通过TeeCommander组件进一步得到增强,它提供一次点击访问图表编辑器和共同特征。 二、主要特性 是32位ActiveX控件,可以在VB、Delphi、MS Office等多种编程环境下使用; 可以直接存取ODBC数据源; 具
- Remobject Hydra is an application framework that allows developers to create modular applications that can mix managed (.NET) and unmanaged ( native Delphi) code in the same project, creating a seamless user experience while combining the best techno
- Here is final patch to Embarcadero Delphi XE8. XE8Kg17_Unis.rar is for educational purpose only.-Here is final patch to Embarcadero Delphi XE8. XE8Kg17_Unis.rar is for educational purpose only.
- QuickReport is a set of components and controls that allow reports to be designed and previewed in the Delphi and C++ Builder IDEs. Applications including Quickreport functionality can then be deployed royalty free. Firemonkey version.-QuickReport i
- The CronJob component is the thread-based alarm implementation for Delphi/BCB which acts like cronjob utility in Unix. The component produces periodical OnAlert events by schedule specified in CRON format (actually it uses extended CRON format
- ImageEn is an extensive component suite for image editing, display and analysis written in pure VCL code for Delphi and C++ Builder, and is also available for .NET. Thousands of software developers use ImageEn to add powerful multimedia functionality