- 可以跟你的朋友炫耀,但是QB并不会真的到账,所以只能炫耀咯,放心,绝对看不出来(You can show off with your friends, but QB doesn't really get to the account, so it can only show off, rest assured, never see it.)
- 实现在电脑端开启QQ群机器人,另外支持用户自行开启隐藏的机器人。(Allow user enable QQ Group Chatting Robot on PC)
- 一个功能强大的支持库,实现在易语言中解析json(A JSON Debug Tool, Make JSON easier.)
- 简单的计算器代码,支持四则运算和三角函数,阶乘(A calculator that supports four operations and trigonometric functions, factorial)
- 实现易语言自动检测强制更新 可以加入自己的软件噢(Realizing the compulsory update of automatic language automatic detection You can add your own software)
- 可以用来加入自己的软件里面,隐藏进程非常彻底,电脑管家之类也无法检测到,同时,大部分游戏辅助制作要跳过游戏检测实现(It can be added to its own software, hidden process is very thorough, computer housekeeper and so on can not be detected. Meanwhile, most of the game assistant production must skip the game de
- 调用baidu,sougou进行OCR识别(A Demo of OCR using BaiDu or SouGou API)
2017-6-13 数据结构及算法模块
- 易语言代码实现部分数据结构源码,包含堆排序,快速排序,归并排序,小根堆,大根堆,树,栈等(Easy language code part data structure source code, including heap sort, quick sort, merge sort, heap min, Gen, tree, stack etc.)
- 强制修改电脑密码、屏蔽任务管理器等各种关于系统操作的命令(Compulsive modification of computer ciphers, masking task managers, and all kinds of commands on system operation)
- 可用于关机,强制关机,重启,强制重启,注销,强制注销(It can be used for shutdown, forced shutdown, restart, forced reboot, cancellation and mandatory cancellation)
- 由于易语言直接MYSQL数据库存在安全隐患,所以使用php中间间可以解决该隐患。(Because the easy language direct MYSQL database has security risks, it can be used to solve the hidden danger in the middle of the PHP.)
- 最智能易语言填表模块,全智能填表,无需用户指定框架操作(方便、智能、高效),只需直接调用命令即可(The most intelligent and easy language filling module, full intelligent filling, without user specified framework operation (convenient, intelligent, efficient), only need direct call command)