- Using a large number of finite element method to solve partial differential equations, MIMO OFDM matlab simulation, Is a two hidden layer back propagation neural network.
- 进销存管理系统 采购、销售、产品、库存、报表、部门、人员、职位、考勤等(Invoicing management system, procurement, sales, products, inventory, statements, departments, personnel, positions, attendance and so on)
graph theory
- 高随祥的图论与网络流理论,介绍在网络里如何利用图论进行问题的分析,对于庞大的网络流有相当的帮助。(Gao Suixiang's graph theory and network flow theory, introduced in the network how to use graph theory to analyze the problem, for a large network flow quite helpful.)
JavaScript Advanced programming
- 全书从Javascr ipt语言实现的各个组成部分——语言核心、DOM、BOM、事件模型讲起,深入浅出地探讨了面向对象编程、Ajax与Comet服务器端通信,HTML5表单、媒体、Canvas(包括WebGL)及WebWorkers、地理定位、跨文档传递消息、客户端存储(包括IndexedDB)等新API,还介绍了离线应用和与维护、性能、部署相关的最佳开发实践。(The book from every part of the Javascr ipt language - the language
Java basic course
- 想学习Java并且有一定编程基础的同学,强烈推荐看这本Java基础教程,会让你很快的深入了解Java,运用Java。(Want to learn Java and have a certain programming basis of the students, strongly recommend to see this Java basic tutorial, will let you quickly in-depth understanding of Java, use Java.)
- java俄罗斯方块,新手,不太好,求过,应该还不错吧,大家可以看看(Javafhjklhnklgbjhcjklgbvjnklm)
- Operating system chanleenges
- java develope jsp servlet
- 网站模板,仅供参考,自认为水平有限,不要嫌弃,谢谢合作,谢谢!!(Website template for reference only, since that the level is limited, do not abandon, thank you for your cooperation, thank you!!)
- 整合Spring4+hibernate4+springmvc4(Spring4+hibernate4+springmvc4)
- 判定一个正整数是否是一个回文数。例如12121是回文数,而1231不是回文数。回文数定义为可以以中间某个数字对称,或者间隔对称,例如123321,或者1234321。(Determines whether a positive integer is a palindrome. For example, 12121 is a palindrome, and 1231 is not a palindrome. Palindrome numbers are defined as symmetric o
- Suppressed carrier type differential phase modulation, Classic GLCM texture calculation method, Use Chaos and fractal analysis routines.