- 麒麟超级站群系统V5.5源码,支持无限泛解析二级目录,蜘蛛池短网址站群功能,本套源码包含了加密版+解密版2个版本,压缩包内含详细的安装教程相关文档,大家自行体验吧!(Kylin super station system V5.5 source code, support unlimited pan analytic two directory, spider pool short URL station group, this set of source code contains the en
- THREE.js练习,由线段组成的立方体,相机自动旋转,自然光。(THREE.js exercises, consisting of line segments of the cube, the camera automatically rotates, natural light.)
- 进行模糊查询,使用Struts2来写,页面美观大方,适合初学者,非常实用(Make fuzzy query, use Struts2 to write, the page is beautiful and easy, suitable for beginners, very practical)
- 通用权限管理框架源码,附加开发文档,控件和数据库 1、菜单导航管理 2、操作按钮 3、角色管理 4、部门管理 5、用户管理(用户权限) 6、用户组管理(设置成员,用户组权限) 7、系统配置(动态配置系统参数) 8、附加属性(自定义属性) 9、系统日志(异常记录) 10、数据库备份/还原 11、资源管理,(动态数据库) 12、个人信息(基本信息,附加信息,用户角色,拥有权限) 13、首页快捷 14、数据回收站(业务功能删除过数据,全部保留在回收站) 15、系统个性化设置(切换菜单导航)(Unive
- 这个是tomcat 64位 安装包,下载之后直接解压就可以(this is tomcat package for 64bit computer ,wish you better)
- 网络商城,类似于淘宝,用户可以在这里高买你所想要的东西,可以实现用户的增删改查,满足一切一个网络商城所有的功能!(Network mall, similar to Taobao, users can buy what you want here, you can realize the user additions and deletions to change, to meet all the functions of a network mall!)
- 这个是一个企业网站的模板,使用的是Html + CSS书写(This is a project ,Using Html language)
- h5实现的小游戏,界面是h5写的,用了一些js(H5 implementation of the game The interface was written by H5, using some JS)
- html5 socket连接c开发的服务端(I've been hearing about HTML5 for quite some time now, and I especially liked the idea of web sockets. Giving us the ability to send data directly to the user, instead of doing something like polling with AJAX requests seems lik
- 主客户端为安卓,内置的php文件需搭建apache + PHP集成环境运行(The main client is Android, and the built-in PHP files need to be built with Apache + PHP integration environment)
Django Web开发指南
- Django Web开发指南,给学习Django开发的朋友提供入门帮助(Django Web development guide, to learn to learn Django friends to provide entry help)
- 12306的源码。实现用户的登录,注册,个人信息的观看。购买车票等等(12306 source code. To achieve user login, registration, personal information to watch. Buying tickets, etc.)