- 是一个 非常方便的 检查你的E-mail地址是否正确的,合法的 算法!经常用于注册性网站的建设!-is a very convenient check your E-mail address is correct and legitimate algorithm! Frequently used in the registration website building!
索特购物系统时尚版 v6.0
- 支持不要注册就可下订单,版面美观大方,强大的后台功能,订单、会员管理非常方便,有会员购买报表,缺货报表等,会员系统人性化,跟踪订单处理,留言功能、收藏功能、历史记录等,支持IPAY在线支付、支付宝、NPS、网银 默认用户名密码:admin -registration could not support orders, layout stylish, powerful features of the background, orders, the Member Management ve
- 这是我校正的汉字拼音对照表,原对照表从网上搜集,然后经过校正,但没有改变原对照表,使用者根据情况自行修改。汉字均为Unicode中的汉字,参考文件Unihan.txt-correction Pinyin CRT, the original schedule from the Internet to collect and then after correction, but without changing the original schedule, based on users change
- 数据结构中的算法演示,其中有每个算法的动画演示过程,可以帮助对算法的更好理解.-data structure algorithms demonstrations, which have each algorithm animation demonstration, and can help to understand better the algorithm.
- 文档中对STL进行解说,有助于帮助程序设计者对C++中的STL进行更好更好理解-right STL files for explanations help the designers of C procedures of STL better understanding better
- 站内搜索,一个可以在往内实现搜索文本的程序,有java APPLET所写,只需要配置其实页面即可-station search, one can go to search within the text of the procedures, java APPLET written, in fact only configuration pages can be
- 高贝系统,非常好的整站源码。界面美观大方,后台操作极为灵活。-high Pui system, very good the whole point source. Stylish interface, background operation is very flexible.
- 一个值得研究的java模型框架,多错学习-a worthwhile research java model framework, the more mistakes learning
- 不错的一个房地产网,最新楼盘推介,房层出租.二手房交易等-a good real estate network, the latest real estate promotion, the level of rental. Second-hand housing transactions
- 动网论坛,目前最优秀的论坛之一。这是试用版。欢迎下载使用。-patrons, the best one of the forums. This is the beta version. Welcome to download for use.
- 我自己处理的和汉字有关的内容,包含Unicode汉字编码表,汉字拼音表,繁简汉字对照表(注意不是编码对照表)-handled by the relevant Chinese characters and content, including Unicode Chinese character coding table, Table Pinyin, and simplified Chinese CRT (Note is not coding CRT)
- 里面有3个WORD文件,介绍的了选课系统的指导步骤(ROSE),只是基础,要直接在添加.-There are three Word documents, the introduction of the guidance system Elective steps (ROSE), is a basic, in addition to direct.