- 一款非常酷的Loading动画加载效果,和纯CSS3实现齿轮Loading加载动画类似,也是利用几何的特性来模拟的,它是一些类似旋转的动画效果(A very cool Loading animation loading effect, similar to the pure CSS3 implementation of the gear Loading loading animation, is also simulated using the geometric characteristics
- 这次我们要分享的这款HTML5动画简直就是逆天,利用SVG制作的3D蝴蝶飞舞动画,蝴蝶飞舞动画非常逼真,蝴蝶飞舞的路线是利用SVG构造的。另外,动画使用了一张立体感很强的天空背景图,让蝴蝶飞舞时更加显得立体逼真。(This time we have to share this HTML5 animation is simply to the sky, the use of SVG to make the 3D butterfly flying animation, butterfly flyin
- 今天我们来分享一组利用HTML5和SVG实现的可爱笑脸动画,它们是色彩各异的一组泥娃娃的脸,默认的时候就出现眨眼和微笑的动画,当你把鼠标滑过它们时,就像是感受到了主人的抚摸一样上下跳动起来,真的是非常可爱。(Today we share a lovely group of cute smiling face animations using HTML5 and SVG. They are a colorful group of dolls' faces, with blinks and smil
- 我们之前分享过一款HTML5/CSS3下拉框-3D折叠效果。今天再分享一款更酷的CSS3 3D立体菜单,这款菜单侧躺在页面上,每个菜单项都有不错的小图标。(We've shared a HTML5/CSS3 drop-down box -3D folding effect before. Today, I'll share a cool CSS3 3D menu. The menu is lying on the page, and every menu item has nice small
- 一款效果很酷的jQuery焦点图,它的Tab切换方式是纵向的,而且图片切换的方式也是纵向的,另外整个jQuery焦点图的色彩非常棒,给人一种神秘的感觉。焦点图的图片切换还是比较流畅的。(A cool jQuery focus graph, its Tab switching mode is vertical, and the way the picture switch is also vertical, and the whole jQuery focus color is very good
- 一款HTML5 3D立方体动画,这个只是一个3D效果模型,你可以用图片替换演示中的立方体4个面,这样就可以将这款HTML5立方体旋转动画改造成HTML5 3D焦点图了,由于是基于webkit的,所以有浏览器限制,Google Chrome最佳。(A HTML5 3D cube animation, this is just a 3D effect model, you can use pictures to replace the cube in the demonstration 4 surf
- 一款基于SVG的HTML5圆盘时钟动画,和上一款类似,这款HTML5时钟也能准确获取本地的时间,并且秒针、分针、时针可以走动,效果还不错。(A SVG based HTML5 disc clock animation, similar to the previous one, the HTML5 clock can also get the local time, and the second, minute, clockwise can move, the effect is good.)
- UEditor是一套开源的在线HTML编辑器,主要用于让用户在网站上获得所见即所得编辑效果,开发人员可以用UEditor把传统的多行文本输入框(textarea)替换为可视化的富文本输入框。UEditor使用java scr ipt编写,可以无缝地与Java、.NET、PHP、ASP等程序集成,比较适合在CMS、商城、论坛(UEditor is an open - source online HTML editor, which is designed to allow users to get
- Canvas实现Loading超酷动画效果,10款超酷CSS3进度条/Loading动画效果。4组欢乐的CSS3 Loading加载动画,这4款动画是同一种模式,都是一群小球在大球里面形成各种排列从而达到Loading加载动画的效果。(Canvas Loading cool animation, 10 cool CSS3 progress bar /Loading animation. 4 groups of happy CSS3 Loading loaded animation, the 4
- 分享一款jQuery焦点图插件,这款焦点图是全屏的,看上去十分大气,另外,焦点图的每一张图片都带有文字描述,并且鼠标滑过图片时文字描述可以上下滚动。(Share a jQuery focus map plug-in. This focus is full screen. It looks very atmospheric. In addition, each picture of the focus graph has a text descr iption, and the text desc
- CSS3真的很强大,但SVG的实力也不容小觑,今天我们要将它们两个有机结合,分享给大家150多个非常有趣的纯CSS3动画SVG图标。这150个SVG图标中,都拥有鼠标滑过的动画特效,有的是阴影特效,也有的是动感的动画,这些图标真的很酷。(CSS3 is really powerful, but the strength of SVG can't be underestimated. Today we have to combine them two organically and share t
- 今天我们要来分享一款jQuery纵向分类菜单,这款jQuery菜单是下拉菜单,鼠标滑过菜单项时即可展开相应的子菜单,并伴随很酷的淡入淡出和滑块动画效果。当鼠标滑过菜单项时,菜单项的背景颜色也会有渐变的效果。(Today we are going to share a jQuery longitudinal taxonomy menu, the jQuery menu is a drop-down menu, the mouse slids through the menu item to exp