- 搜狗网址导航源码:绿色源码,容量小、轻巧,傻瓜式免安装、简单,特别适合新手,轻松建站。(Sogou website navigation source: green source, small capacity, lightweight, fool free installation, simple, especially for beginners, easy to build stations.)
- 淘网址(tao123)淘宝网旗下网址导航,asp导航网站模板源码。(Tao website (tao123) Taobao web site navigation, ASP navigation website template source code.)
- 网上电脑销售网站各功能齐全非常适合新手.(Online computer sales web site)
- 老Y文章管理系统是最简单的文章管理系统,傻瓜式的操作,让您在最短的时间内就可以建成一个功能强大的网站。(The old Y article management system is the simplest article management system, the fool type of operation, let you in the shortest time can build a powerful web site.)
- 本程序可实现数据指定淘宝站转移成为一个独立的店外,你也可以加入淘宝客的数据,该站的瀑布图片使用延迟加载技术加快速度的前视图。(This program allows data to be transferred to a Taobao station to be transferred to an independent store, and you can also join the Taobao customer's data. The waterfall picture of this s
- 马克斯CMS(Maxcms)5,想你所想,做你做的事!让视频站更容易使用!马克斯程序(Maxcms)开源,免费的,功能强大的,(Marx CMS (Maxcms) 5, do what you want and do what you do. Make video stations easier to use! Marx program (Maxcms) is open source, free and powerful.)
- 露水的文章管理系统,小而完美的形成!建立最小的全功能的程序在互联网上的网站源码,只要你能型会做站点和管理网站。(The article management system of dew is small and perfect. Build the smallest full-featured program source on the Internet website, as long as you can do site and manage website.)
- 企业网站系统,红色的动画模板,主要用于建设和大中型企业进行电子商务网站的设计与开发工作的管理(The enterprise website system, the red animation template, is mainly used for the design and development management of e-commerce website in construction and large and medium-sized enterprises.)
- 房产中介管理系统eims_house,数据存储格式统一,方便管理维护。数据输出格式统一为:列表,编辑,分类,属性。试用版本只开放部分功能,商业使用请购买正式版授权。(Real estate agency management system eims_house, data storage format is unified, convenient for management and maintenance. Data output format is unified: list, edit,
- 网络新业务的网站管理系统(红色)是个人和企业的智能程序开发专业的网站建设。该程序是基于ASP + Access环境与发展, 该网站有一个完美的前景和背景的智能管理功能,完成(如增加,修改网站的基本信息,产品,商业新闻,等)从后台操作,(The website management system (red) of the new network business is the website construction of intelligent program development for
- 企业信息管理:包括基本信息管理,添加在线登记,信息管理,信息管理的测验中心 新闻中心(Enterprise information management: including basic information management, adding online registration, information management, information management test center. News Center)
- 企业搜索引擎优化站v8.9无组件生成的HTML 强大的SEO网站优化,快速的让你的网站在搜索引擎中脱颖而出,让更多的客户找到你。(Enterprise search engine optimization station V8.9 has no component generated HTML. Powerful SEO website optimization, quickly let your website stand out in search engine, so that m