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- 本人编写的学校数据管理系统,所在学校已使用n年,采用ThinkPHP开发,主要功能为成绩录入统计,学籍管理(与全国电子学籍系统相辅),小学学籍信息采集,学生体质健康数据录入等,即是一个学校非常实用的工具,也可以作为学习PHP编写类似软件的很好的一个示例.
PHP: The Good Parts
- Get past all the hype about PHP and dig into the real power of the language. This book explores the most useful features of PHP and how they can speed up the web development process, and explains why the most commonly used PHP elements are often misu
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Adyen PHP Integration
- The code examples in this reposity help you integrate with the Adyen platform using PHP. Please go through the code examples and read the documentation in the files itself. Each code example requires you to change some parameters to connect to your A
PubNub Real-time Data Network
- PubNub Real-time Data Network Clients for PHP and Composer How to include PHP >= 5.3 without composer
PHP.rb: A Ruby to PHP Code Generator
- "Will write code that writes code that writes code that writes code for money." -- Anonymous on comp.lang.lisp PHP.rb translates Ruby code into PHP code by obtaining the parse tree for a Ruby expression, transforming that into an abstract s
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