- 用javascr ipt 完成表单校验,非常实用(my english is poor so i m sorry)
- 用javascr ipt 完成表单校验。希望可以帮到大家(my english is poor so sorry)
- 用JAVA JQuery完成表单校验 非常好用(my english is poor .so i m sorry)
- 使用原生的servlet进行文件上传demo(use orginal servlet implement upload file)
- java电话面试题,本人面试的经验总结,可供参考(Java phone interview question)
- 学生教务系统管理,包括学生信息的增删改查以及学生成绩的录入查询(Students' educational administration system management, including students' information increase and delete, and students' record entry and inquiry.)
- 插件说明 1、利用html5 input file 上传图片,获取的图片为base64位图片流 2、将图片流利用画布原理将原图片缩小成小图 3、用ajax将图片流上传到后台接收(Plug-in descr iption 1, using HTML5 input file to upload pictures, the pictures obtained are Base64 bit picture flow 2. Using the pict
- 使用java为开发语言,基于高维空间网格聚类算法CLIQUE(Use java as the development language, based on high dimensional space grid clustering algorithm CLIQUE)
- 以java为开发语言,实现员工考勤管理核心代码,提高相关人事部门考勤工作效率(Use java as the development language to realize the core code of employee attendance management and improve the efficiency of attendance work in relevant personnel departments)
Salary management
- 以java为开发语言实现公司员工相应季度的工资管理,以使每个员工通过查询,清楚的了解工资分配发放情况。(With java as the development language, the quarterly salary management of the company's employees is implemented so that each employee can clearly understand the distribution of wages through inquir
Staff changes
- 以java为开发语言,实现相关员工职位变动管理,以提高员工职位管理的工作效率。(With java as the development language, the management of related employee position changes was implemented to improve the efficiency of employee position management.)
Mail management
- 以java为开发语言,实现员工的邮件管理,让每个员工根据公司相应工作需求,使用公司内部邮件管理制度,传递自己的相关资料。(With java as the development language, employees' mail management is implemented so that each employee can use the company's internal mail management system to transmit their own relevant i