Lab - Chapter 5
- It is inherintance coding for student(Understand is-a relationship and demonstrate the basic inheritance concept. ii. Use super to call parent constructor and qualifier to access a member of parent class from subclass, and how to us
- 使用Java编写的国际象棋的源码,仅供大家灿烂靠(The source code for chess written in Java,It is only for everyone to be brilliant.)
Lab - Chapter 3
- it is java coding for student(i. Use a reference data type and understand the composition/aggregation used in the class. ii. Apply and used appropriate access modifier inside the class. iii. Use reference this and overloading constructor.)
Lab - Chapter 1
- This is Java exercise(Question 1: You have been assigned to write a program to perform an arithmetic addition and subtraction for two (2) integer numbers key-in by the user. The program should only accept the number key-in by the user as a posit
- 基于jsp的购物车开发系统,非常有利于初学者的学习和使用。(Shopping cart development system based on JSP)
- My first study of using Netty, this is just an execise.
- 简易计算器,实现四则运算功能,仅供参考,欢迎补充(Simple calculator, the realization of the four arithmetic functions, for reference only.)
- 基于JSP的网上订餐系统,SQL 2005 JSP 网上订餐系统,附带完整源码与数据库(jsp online reservation system source code integrity error-free version)
- 一个3d波纹效果的html/JS实现,来源见解压缩(A html/JS implementation of 3D ripple effect. The source is decompressed.)
- 使用java实现RSA算法, 使用java实现RSA算法(use Java implements RSA)
- 题目描述 令Pi表示第i个素数。现任给两个正整数M <= N <= 10000,请输出PM到PN的所有素数。 输入描述: 输入在一行中给出M和N,其间以空格分隔。 输出描述: 输出从PM到PN的所有素数,每10个数字占1行,其间以空格分隔,但行末不得有多余空格。 输入例子: 5 27 输出例子: 11 13 17 19 23 29 31 37 41 43 47 53 59 61 67 71 73 79
- 实现了用户管理,订单管理,商品管理,上传商品等功能(It has realized user management, order management, commodity management, uploading goods and so on.)