Bar Code (39 and 128)
- Generate Barcode to Code 39 and Code 128 using code128.ttf (C#)
- App Inventor Tutorials Document
- BlueSuite is a BlueCore development suite designed to help with your Bluetooth wireless technology development program. BlueSuite contains: ■ Graphical and command-line applications to configure, test and program the BlueCore device in your desi
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FPGAs For Dummi
- Altera_Corporation,_Andrew_Moore]_FPGAs_For_Dummi
- 集合常用的串口调试器,各软件功能有所偏向,有按行发送,有按文件发送,还有网络和串口合一的软件。我这里还有很多这方面的资料,需要请留言,肯定能满足串口学习者的需求。
Falcon Developer Suit
- To install or deinstall the FalconDeveloper.msi on a Windows system with Windows Vista or higher, e.g. Windows 7, copy the delivered msi and exe file to a folder on the target machine. Then start FalconDeveloperLauncherForVistaWin7.exe by double-clic
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Hi3515 SCH
- Hi3515 SDK Board Schematic
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- common监听,实时监听串口的通讯,通过dll注入
- Labview注册机,试用于labview8.6的注册,可使试用版变为长期使用版。