- 数据库编程入们详细介绍了在delphi下的数据库编程-database programming into a detailed presentation of the delphi of Database Programming
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- In this book, we aim to give you an introduction to a wide variety of topics important to you as a developer using UNIX. The word Beginning in the title refers more to the content than to your skill level. We ve structured the book to help you learn
- 《细说元朝》----《细说中国历史丛书》第6卷 本书《细说中国历史丛书》系已故旅美历史学家黎东方先生所著。作者以生动别致的“讲史”形式详细讲述了自秦汉到*各个历史时期的重要人物和事件。书中不但将各种事件和人物剖析、介绍得清清楚楚,而且还加上作者自己的判断和评论,让读者更深刻、更有兴趣地了解历史真相。作者还善于用现代人所了解的名词去解释历上的各官职和家族关系等,使全书显得通俗易懂。