socket 报文调试工具
- socket 报文调试工具,方便程序员快速准确调试与三方报文调试,可以快速定位问题,很好用的工具
- After selecting the map file, you can open the editing map content and map connection directly in the software.
esp32 jtag
- When using this method, only the hardware system and CPLD program of the DSP emulator need to be designed, and the USB driver is developed using the original program provided by TI, which makes the development of the emulator very simple and easy.
- MCS51.exe是51仿真器的联机调试软件。调试方式有两种, 一是连接51仿真器联机调试,另一种是在PC机上模拟51单片机运行(即51模拟 器)。现在因为自行开发的51仿真器已无法使用,而51模拟器仍可以用于在PC 机上仿真运行一些与设备关联不是很紧密的算法、流程的调试上。
- 串口调试助手,用于RS232串口调试用,方便快捷,绿色下载!欢迎使用!
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- When using this method, only the hardware system and CPLD program of the DSP emulator need to be designed, and the USB driver is developed using the original program provided by TI, which makes the development of the emulator very simple and easy. Th
- 可以指定进程抓包,非常好用。可以指定进程抓包,非常好用。可以指定进程抓包,非常好用。可以指定进程抓包,非常好用。
ST-Link II 固件
- ST-Link II 固件,资料来源于网络,内为其 ST-Link II 的 BIN 固件文件.
programmator arm
- When using this method, only the hardware system and CPLD program of the DSP emulator need to be designed, and the USB driver is developed using the original program provided by TI, which makes the development of the emulator very simple and easy.
i2c debug tools
- dump iic 0 0x28上的寄存器信息 i2cdump -y -f 0 0x28 cdetect iic 0上的iic设备 i2cdetect -y -r 0