- 标签属性:
- 上传时间:2012-11-16
提 供 者:
又c++编写的程序,能实现video的存储,借阅等数据的读写。-a video rental system project, programmed by using c++
video rental information system /
video rental information system /.DS_Store
__MACOSX/video rental information system /
__MACOSX/video rental information system /._.DS_Store
video rental information system /bugs report.doc
video rental information system /code/
video rental information system /code/.DS_Store
__MACOSX/video rental information system /code/
__MACOSX/video rental information system /code/._.DS_Store
video rental information system /code/conny.cpp
video rental information system /code/customer.dat
video rental information system /code/customer.h
video rental information system /code/customer_registration.cpp
video rental information system /code/customer_search.cpp
video rental information system /code/customer_show.cpp
video rental information system /code/interface.h
video rental information system /code/registration.h
video rental information system /code/rental.cpp
video rental information system /code/search.cpp
video rental information system /code/video.h
video rental information system /code/video1.dat
video rental information system /code/video_append.cpp
video rental information system /code/video_change.cpp
video rental information system /code/video_search.cpp
video rental information system /code/video_show.cpp
video rental information system /report of project3.doc
video rental information system /user manual.doc
video rental information system /.DS_Store
__MACOSX/video rental information system /
__MACOSX/video rental information system /._.DS_Store
video rental information system /bugs report.doc
video rental information system /code/
video rental information system /code/.DS_Store
__MACOSX/video rental information system /code/
__MACOSX/video rental information system /code/._.DS_Store
video rental information system /code/conny.cpp
video rental information system /code/customer.dat
video rental information system /code/customer.h
video rental information system /code/customer_registration.cpp
video rental information system /code/customer_search.cpp
video rental information system /code/customer_show.cpp
video rental information system /code/interface.h
video rental information system /code/registration.h
video rental information system /code/rental.cpp
video rental information system /code/search.cpp
video rental information system /code/video.h
video rental information system /code/video1.dat
video rental information system /code/video_append.cpp
video rental information system /code/video_change.cpp
video rental information system /code/video_search.cpp
video rental information system /code/video_show.cpp
video rental information system /report of project3.doc
video rental information system /user manual.doc