本软件需求说明书是依据用户业务需求书所确定的功能范围,对用户现行业务处理进行调查分析,在充分理解系统和认真分析用户要求的基础上,从计算机设计的观点和用户业务处理的角度出发,准确地描述了用户要求的系统功能全貌。因此,它是用户和开发者共同承诺的一份文件,也是软件生存周期中重要的功能基线文件。-The software requirements specification is written according to customers' business needs to determine the function of the range of user survey analysis of current business processes, to fully understand the system and careful analysis of user requirements, based on the design point of view and from the computer user' s point of view of business processes accurately describes the user requirements of the system function picture. Therefore, it is a shared commitment to users and developers of a document, the software life cycle is an important function of the baseline file.
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