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- 上传时间:2012-11-16
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BT由如下几部分组成:.torrent文件、种子提供站点、目录服务器和内容发布者/下载者。.torrent文件是一个文本文件,包含了 tracker信息和文件信息两部分。tracker信息主要是BT下载中需要用到的tracker服务器的地址和针对tracker服务器的设置;文件信息是指将目标文件计算处理后再根据BT协议的B编码规则网编码后得到的信息。BT的主要原理是把提供下载的文件虚拟分成大小相等的块,块大小必须为 2Kbyte的整数次方(由于是虚拟分块,硬盘上并不产生各个块文件),并把每个块的索引信息和Hash验证码写入.torrent文件中,所以.torrent文件就是被下载文件的“索引”。种子提供站点也就是.torrent文件的提供站点,为下载者提供.torrent文件下载服务。目录服务 器记录被下载的文件的索引信息及下载该文件的用户的信息(主要是IP地址及端口号)。早期的BT协议只支持tracker(种子发布站)服务器,这种目录服务器是集中式目录与分布式查询的混合型;在BT协议的升级版本中,增加了对DHT(分布式Hash表)网络的支持,该网络中目录服务器是分布式的。本文的讨论只涉及 tracker服务器。内容发布者/下载者是BT网络的主体,最终的下载由它们完成-BT into the following components:. Torrent file, provided the seed sites, directories, servers, and content publishers/downloader. . Torrent file is a text file that contains the tracker information and file information in two parts. BT download tracker information is mainly used in the tracker needs to address and settings for the tracker file information is then processed to calculate the target file the agreement under the BT network B encoding rules to be encoded information. BT s main principle is to provide the downloaded file into the same size of the virtual block, the block size must be 2Kbyte integer power (because it is a virtual block, each block on the hard disk does not create the file), and the index of each block Information and Hash verification code is written. torrent file, so. torrent file is downloaded the file "index." Seed site is provided. Torrent files provide the site for the download to provide. Torrent file download service. Directory server log files to be
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