参赛选手须使用竞赛秘书处统一指定并负责采购竞赛车模,采用飞思卡尔16位微控制器MC9S12DG128作为核心控制单元,自主构思控制方案及系统设计,包括传感器信号采集处理、控制算法及执行、动力电机驱动、转向舵机控制等,完成智能车工程制作及调试,于指定日期与地点参加各分赛区的场地比赛,在获得决赛资格后,参加全国决赛区的场地比赛。参赛队伍之名次(成绩)由赛车现场成功完成赛道比赛时间为主,技术方案及制作工程质量评分为辅来决定。竞赛秘书处制定如下比赛规则适用于各分赛区预赛以及最终决赛。在实际可操作性基础上力求公正与公平参与。秘书处将邀请独立公证人监督现场赛事及评判过程。 -Contestants must use competition secretariat designated unity and responsible for purchasing competition models, the freescale 16 micro controller MC9S12DG128 as the key control unit, independent conception control scheme and the system design, including the sensor signal acquisition and processing, control algorithm and execution, power motor drive, turned to the steering gear control, complete intelligent car project production and debugging, from the date and place of the competion area to join in the game, the final after qualification for the site, take part in the national final game. The team places (grades) by the successful completion of the circuit racing game time is given priority to, technical solutions and production engineering quality score subsidiary to decide. Contest rules make the following the secretariat for all the competion area and the final final. In the practical operation based on objective and fair to participate. The secretariat will invite independent not
Freescale intelligent car.pdf