《黑客与画家:硅谷创业之父paul graham文集》是硅谷创业之父paul graham 的文集,主要介绍黑客即优秀程序员的爱好和动机,讨论黑客成长、黑客对世界的贡献以及编程语言和黑客工作方法等所有对计算机时代感兴趣的人的一些话题。书中的内容不但有助于了解计算机编程的本质、互联网行业的规则,还会帮助读者了解我们这个时代,迫使读者独立思考。-"The matrix and painter: the father of silicon valley venture Paul graham corpus" is the father of silicon valley venture Paul graham collection of essays, mainly introduces hackers that good programmer interest and motivation, discuss hackers growth, hackers to offer the world and programming language and hackers working methods of computer, and so all The Times in some of the topic. The contents of the book not only help to understand the nature of the computer programming, the Internet industry rules, will also help the reader understand our times, forcing the reader to think for themselves.
相关搜索: Hackers and Painters
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