-Through the design of a simplified computer models, to cultivate the concept of finite state machine design complex circuit of thinking, experience in the design process, VHDL RTL style descr iption and use of EDA tools Quartus. At the same time to understand the control theory and control process of the CPU through the brains and hands to solve practical problems in digital logic design, clear, consolidate and flexible to apply their theoretical knowledge, improve design capabilities and practical skills.
-Through the design of a simplified computer models, to cultivate the concept of finite state machine design complex circuit of thinking, experience in the design process, VHDL RTL style descr iption and use of EDA tools Quartus. At the same time to understand the control theory and control process of the CPU through the brains and hands to solve practical problems in digital logic design, clear, consolidate and flexible to apply their theoretical knowledge, improve design capabilities and practical skills.
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