- c编程基础理论,是成为高技术人才的必备理论基础。(The basic theory of C programming is the necessary theoretical basis for becoming a high-tech talent.)
- window OS基础理论,是成为高技术人才的必备理论基础。(The basic theory of window OS is the necessary theoretical basis for becoming a high-tech talent.)
编译原理 第二版
- 编译原理的基础理论,是成为高技术人才的必备理论基础。(The basic theory of compiler theory is the necessary theoretical basis for becoming a high-tech talent.)
- c语言的数据结构的基础理论,是成为高技术人才的必备理论基础。(The basic theory of the data structure of C language is the necessary theoretical basis for becoming a high-tech talent.)
- 学习用LCD1602显示汉字 代码设计 用C语言编写程序(LCD1602 KEILCABC BIANYI TEMP DATA)
- opnet project vlan lan adhoc frp emal
- 大学生数学建模大赛问题——分酒问题,该论文是以C语言分析,然后进行仿真,最后得出结论。(Problem of mathematical modeling contest for College Students -- liquor differentiation.This paper is based on C language analysis, and then simulation, and finally draw conclusions.)
深圳市芯进微科技有限公司 INK1003 SOP8
- LED驱动 3通道芯片 应用LED幻彩灯条,发光字等产品(LED drive 3 channel chip using LED color light, light and other products)
What is a spectral image
- What is a spectral image? 5 multiple choice questions
HDR lecture
- 3 multiple choice questions for the HDR lecture.
imaging devices
- Calibration of spectral imaging devices 5 multiple choice questions
- Advanced Driver Assistance Systems. CONSULTANCY REPORT