- image_registr_MI Description: Functions for aligning images by rotation and translation: im
- jinlin2 ISING model的monte carlo 不同温度模拟程序
- 扩展CtreeCtrl类
- corner_color This program is used to detect corners or points in an image using color intensity
- 80-NB419-3_A_hexagon_virtual_machine_spec Hexagon Virtual Machine Specification [Draft] August 4
- 3601 关于单片机的学习和思考并控制舵机的程序
- 《明解C语言》图文并茂,示例丰富,设有190段代码和164幅图表,对C语言的基础知识进行了彻底剖析,内容涉及数组、函数、指针、文件操作等。("Ming Jie C language" illustrated, rich examples, with 190 sections of code and 164 charts, the basic knowledge of C language thoroughly analyzed, covering the contents o
- vaadin入门教程,适合初学者学习vaadin框架。(Vaadin tutorial, suitable for beginners to learn vaadin framework.)
- PIC开发环境--MPLAB X IDE 安装,用法,破解 MPLAB X IDE 比老的MPLAB IDE, 编写代码的起来更方便,出错的概率也低因为MPLAB X IDE 时时的检测书写错误。 补充:实现检测书写错误,与解释代码功能,只JAVA 的运行环境才能实现, MPLAB X IDE 的安装: 第一步 安装JAVA 的运行环境(因为MPLAB X IDE是用JAVA程序写的) 安装jdk 6.1(在jdk 当中包含了运行环境jre,当然只安装jr
- 本书撷取了几十个实例,细致、深入地讲解了C的历史、语言特性、声明、数组、指针、链接、运行时、内存以及分析了如何进一步学习C++等问题。(This book captures dozens of examples, detailed and in-depth explanation of the history of C, language features, statements, arrays, pointers, links, runtime, memory, and how to furt
- 量子势阱组参数以及其代码实现等,用matlab即可打开(Quantum well group parameters)
- DWM100 定位开源工程,性能优于官方源码,易读性强,可以直接使用(DWM100 positioning open source project, the performance is better than the official source code, readability is strong, can be used directly)
- 通过C语言程序对点阵进行控制,本程序可以用来练习点阵的使用。(C language program to control the dot matrix, this program can be used to practice the use of dot matrix.)
- 30年前的故事,关于苏联的,可以看看,大师任务(30 years ago, the story of the Soviet Union can be seen)
- 图 深度优先搜索遍历和 邻接矩阵,闫蔚敏版,简单易懂,适合平时交作业(Graph depth first search and adjacency matrix, Yan Yumin version, simple, suitable for everyday homework)
- 基于三角形的测试用例的生成,包括边界值测试,健壮性测试、随机测试用例(Generation of test cases based on triangles)
- java game, shooting game
!001 VC++深入详解(孙鑫修订版)
- 孙鑫C++深入编程 此书为孙鑫老师呕心沥血之作,请在能力范围内支持正版 非常不错的书,结合孙鑫视频看,效果很好。(it is a good book!This book is the teacher Sun Xin make painstaking efforts to make, please support genuine in range.)