- JPG Graph API Win 32 JPG API is a 32bit JPEG api dll. You can call it to show a JPG file in your program by only one sentence. The only thing that you have to know is how to load a dll libary and how to call ist functions. A example of Vi
- SNR versus detection range for both target types with and without pulse integration.-SNR versus detection range for both target types with and without pulse integration.
- 《中国RFID技术政策白皮书》-"China RFID White Paper."
- 有关改进序列号加密的硕士论文。 作者提出应用多态变形技术改进序列号加密技术 附有说明性源码-improved serial encryption master's thesis. The author application polymorphic sequences deformation technology to improve its encryption technology with illustrative FOSS
- 转 2000级信息管理与信息系统专业 李 康 基于ASP作业提交与批改系统.doc,主要应用DREAMWEAVER MX开发完成-to 2,000 information management and information systems professional, Lee Kang-ASP-based job submission and correction system. Do c, the main application Dreamweaver MX developed
- 北京旭日中学电脑中心学 籍 管 理 系 统 -Beijing Stanford School Computer Center Management System Status Beijing Stanford School Computer Center Management System Status
- 完整的C++builder6.0教程,附有大量的例子,讲解详细,深入浅出-integrity of the C builder6.0 Guide, with a large number of examples to explain the detailed, easy -
- 在线考试系统设计与关键技术研究.论述了在线考试系统的目标、体系结构与功能,探讨了在线考试系统中部分关键技术的实现方法-online examination system design and key technology research. Exposition of the online examination system, Architecture and features on the online examination system part of the key technolog
- gtk1.2的教程,有意思从事linux界面编程的一个好的选择,可以-gtk1.2 curricula, engage in meaningful programming interface of Linux a good choice can s
- Security Evaluation of J2ME CLDC Embed- ded Java Platform
- 西电出版的组态软件设计与开发,对于从事工业控制上位机软件开发的人来说,具有很强的参考价值。-published in the West -- Configuration software design and development, for industrial control PC software development people. strong reference value.
- VB.NET编写托盘方法.包括静态的和动态的两种处理方法.-VB.NET prepared tray method. Including static and dynamic handled in two ways.