maronz - 副本
- 计算莫兰指数 用于评估空间影响关系,空间分析等(Moran I is a pace analysis method, we could use it analyze a data)
- 人工智能标准化白皮书,很好的文档,100页,希望对大家有帮助(this is a rengong zineng pai pi shu)
opencv3.2 contrib vs2015编译好的库
- win10 vs2015下编译好的opencv3.2 contrib库,debug x64(The compiled opencv3.2 contrib Library under win10 vs2015, debug x64)
- AD7616中文数据手册 16通道、双路、同步采样输入 可独立选择的通道输入范围 真双极性:±10 V、±5 V、±2.5 V 5 V单模拟电源,VDRIVE电源电压:2.3 V至3.6 V 完全集成的数据采集解决方案 模拟输入箝位保护 具有1 MΩ模拟输入阻抗的输入缓冲器 一阶抗混叠模拟滤波器 片内精密基准电压及基准电压缓冲器 双通道16位逐次逼近型寄存器(SAR)ADC 吞吐速率:2 × 1 MSPS 通过数字滤波器提供过采样功能 灵活的序列器,支持突发模式 灵活
- MATLAB解常微分方程和偏微分方程求解器介绍,算法和用法。结合几个有代表性的案例,一步步讲解,非常简单、清楚,明了(MATLAB solutions to ordinary differential equations and partial differential equations solver, algorithm and usage. A few representative cases, step by step, are very simple, clear and clear.
- MATLAB解常微分方程组,常见的比如传染病模型(SIR,SIRS,SEIR等)(MATLAB solution to ordinary differential equations.Common models of infectious diseases (SIR, SIRS, SEIR, etc.))
- STM32L151的一些参考资料,希望对各位有用!!!!(STM32L151 some reference material, hope to you useful!!!!)
简单vrp实例代码 保证可用
- 基于遗传算法的车辆路径问题求解。本文件夹奥阔修改后的遗传算法实例代码 保证可用 (适合初学者和小白)(The problem of vehicle routing problem based on genetic algorithm is solved. This folder Aokuo modified genetic algorithm code examples to ensure that available (for beginners and white))
- 基于VMD和1_5维Teager能量谱的滚动轴承故障特征提取_向玲(To extract _ Ling fault features of rolling bearing VMD and 1_5 dimension Teager based on energy spectrum)
2001年 电力电子技术答案
- 2001年西安理工大学电气学科电力电子技术科目考研初试真题及答案(Xi'an University of Technology electrical engineering examination Zhenti and answers)
- 遗传算法的避障程序,在MATLAB即可打开(The obstacle avoidance program of the genetic algorithm can be opened in MATLAB)
(268粒子群)《精通MATLAB最优化计算 2版》
- 一本详细的matlab优化算法教程书籍,里面由浅入深介绍了各种优化算法的原理以及相应的matlab实现代码,还有一些具体的范例计算代码,相当实用。(A detailed MATLAB optimization algorithm tutorial book, which introduces the principles of various optimization algorithms and the corresponding matlab implementation code. The