AForge.NET Framework-2.2.5
- AForge.NET Framework-2.2.5的类库(The class library of AForge.NET Framework-2.2.5)
- 《Head First设计模式》(中文版)共有14章,每章都介绍了几个设计模式,完整地涵盖了四人组版本全部23个设计模式。是编程爱好者的设计模式启蒙书。-If you ve read a Head First book, you know what to expect--a visually rich format designed for the way your brain works. Using the latest research in neurobiology, cognitive
- This document is very good for developing learners UI in java. Were found in the development basics for swing interfaces as visual basic library of java. Hope you enjoy.
- 多线程系列,COM编程,钩子程序资料收集。-Series of multi-threading, COM programming, hook program data collection.
- 设计模式(Design pattern)是一套被反复使用、多数人知晓的、经过分类编目的、代码设计经验的总结。使用设计模式是为了可重用代码、让代码更容易被他人理解、保证代码可靠性。 毫无疑问,设计模式于己于他人于系统都是多赢的,设计模式使代码编制真正工程化,设计模式是软件工程的基石,如同大厦的一块块砖石一样。 -Design patterns (Design pattern) is set to be used repeatedly, most people know, after catalog
List Of Papers
- Interference management in femtocell using beamforming and conventional Power control technique. Very Helpful.
- 机械工程控制基础:第五版 机械工程测试技术基础(第3版) 两书全部课件-Mechanical Engineering Control: Testing Technology of the fifth edition of Mechanical Engineering (3rd edition) two books all courseware
- 分享了基于定子电流分析的电机故障诊断技术,展示诊断方法的更多可能性-Motor fault diagnosis technology based on stator current analysis
- 气象数值预报模式wrf的详细说明和运行方法,适合模式初学者学习和使用
- 基于gsm和单片机的远程家电控制,通过gsm网络传输控制信号级控制指令-Simcom offers this information as a service to its customers, to support application and engineering efforts that use the products designed by Simcom. The information provided is based upon requirements specificall
T/CEC 102.2—2016 电动汽车充换电服务信息交换 第2部分:公共信息交换规范
- T/CEC 102.2—2016 电动汽车充换电服务信息交换 第2部分:公共信息交换规范
- 广夏CAD破解版 和正版没有区别。只是偶尔会出现莫名其妙的问题,只要关掉,重启软件就可以解决。-Guangxia CAD crack version and there is no distinction between genuine. Occur only occasionally baffling problem, as long as switch off and restart the software can be resolved.