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- 目前很多水电公司仍然采用人工催费的方法,费时费力,效率低。水电费语音自动查询催费系统正是为解决这一问题应运而生的。电话用户可随时随地拨打水电公司特服电话访问查询系统,查询水电费发生情况,了解用水电情况;对于逾期拖欠水电费的用户,系统自动拨打欠费电话,提醒用户及时交纳水电费。-many utilities companies still use manual methods of payment reminders, time-consuming, inefficient. Utilities v
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- 计算机图形学原理的一个程序设计,是多边形的填充算法,程序有点大.-computer graphics tenets of a design process that is filled polygon algorithms, procedures are too big.
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