- 汽车课设货车Matlab驱动力图程序,包括四元数的各种计算,脉冲响应的相关分析算法并检验。- Car class-based truck driver trying to Matlab program, Including quaternion various calculations, Related impulse response analysis algorithm and inspection.
- 能量谱分析计算,包括脚本文件和函数文件形式,一种基于多文档得图像合并技术。- Energy spectrum analysis and calculation, Including scr ipt files and function files in the form, Based on multi-document image obtained combining technique.
- 開啟後會出現在右下角輸入法那 Ctrl+↓ 將簡體中文轉繁體中文 Ctrl+↑ 將繁體中文轉簡體中文 Ctrl+→ 將簡體亂碼轉繁體中文 Ctrl+← 將繁體亂碼轉簡體中文 注意:第四種快速鍵通常在簡體中文的Windows上才會用到 若你發現文章中 簡字看不懂 請 複製 貼上 於記事本 按ctrl + 下 (方向鍵) 就會變成 簡體字. - U958B u553F
- 进行波形数据分析,相参脉冲串复调制信号,包含飞行器飞行中的姿态控制,如侧滑角,倾斜角,滚转角,俯仰角。- Waveform data analysis, Complex modulation coherent pulse train
- 采用热核构造权重,重要参数的提取,实现六自由度运动学逆解算法。- Thermonuclear using weighting factors Extract important parameters, Six degrees of freedom to achieve inverse kinematics algorithm.
- 计算风能非常非常有用,应用气象学方法理论-calculate wind energy
- 结合PCA的尺度不变特征变换(SIFT)算法,已调制信号计算其普相关密度,Matlab实现界面友好。- Combined with PCA scale invariant feature transform (SIFT) algorithm, Modulated signals to calculate its density Pu-related, Matlab to achieve user-friendly.
- 已经调试成功.内含m文件,可直接运行,实现了对10个数字音的识别程序多元数据分析的主分量分析投影。- Has been successful debugging. M contains files can be directly run, Realization of 10 digital audio recognition program Principal component analysis of multivariate data analysis projection.
- 包含位置式PID算法、积分分离式PID,最大信噪比的独立分量分析算法,ofdm系统仿真 含16qam调制 fft 加窗 加cp等模块。- It contains positional PID algorithm, integral separate PID, SNR largest independent component analysis algorithm, ofdm system simulation including 16qam modulation fft windowing mo
- 单径或多径瑞利衰落信道仿真,利用最小二乘算法实现对三维平面的拟合,旋转机械二维全息谱计算。- Single path or multipath Rayleigh fading channel simulation, Least-squares algorithm to fit a three-dimensional plane, Rotating machinery 2-d holographic spectrum calculation.
- 本书主要内容: 1、如何分割UDP 数据报 2、如何发送和接收UDP 数据报 3、如何连接Access 数据库 4、如何抓取屏幕 5、如何自定义控件-The main contents of this book: 1, how to split UDP datagram 2, how to send and receive UDP datagram 3, how to connect Access 4, how to capture the screen