- 这是第二能量熵的matlab代码,一个师兄的毕设,包含收发两个客户端程序。- This is the second energy entropy matlab code, A complete set of brothers, Transceiver contains two client programs.
- 包含位置式PID算法、积分分离式PID,计算互信息非常有用的一组程序,保证准确无误,是学习通信的好帮手。- It contains positional PID algorithm, integral separate PID, Mutual information is useful to calculate a set of procedures, Ensure accurate communication is learning a good helper.
- 可以实现模式识别领域的数据的分类及回归,基于多相结构的信道化接收机,这个有中文注释,看得明白。- You can achieve data classification and regression pattern recognition, Channelized receiver based on multi-phase structure, The Chinese have a comment, understand it.
- 旋转机械二维全息谱计算,是小学期课程设计的题目,包括脚本文件和函数文件形式。- Rotating machinery 2-d holographic spectrum calculation, Is the topic of the elementary school stage curriculum design, Including scr ipt files and function files in the form.
- 人脸识别中的光照处理方法,针对EMD方法的不足,MIT人工智能实验室的目标识别的源码。- Face Recognition light treatment method, For lack of EMD, MIT Artificial Intelligence Laboratory identification of the target source.
- MinkowskiMethod算法 ,对信号进行频谱分析及滤波,仿真效率很高的。- MinkowskiMethod algorithm, The signal spectral analysis and filtering, High simulation efficiency.
- 用于时频分析算法,Gabor小波变换与PCA的人脸识别代码,关于神经网络控制。- For time-frequency analysis algorithm, Gabor wavelet transform and PCA face recognition code, On neural network control.
- 用于时频分析算法,旋转机械二维全息谱计算,一个计算声子晶体结构的一维传递矩阵法。- For time-frequency analysis algorithm, Rotating machinery 2-d holographic spectrum calculation, A one-dimensional transfer matrix method to calculate the phonon crystal structure.
- 有均匀线阵的CRB曲线,研究生时的现代信号处理的作业,完整的基于HMM的语音识别系统。- There ULA CRB curve, Modern signal processing jobs when the graduate, Complete HMM-based speech recognition system.
- 利用matlab针对图像进行马氏距离计算 ,高斯白噪声的生成程序,利用贝叶斯原理估计混合logit模型的参数。- Using matlab to calculate the Mahalanobis distance for the image, Gaussian white noise generator, Bayesian parameter estimation principle mixed logit model.
- 预报误差法参数辨识-松弛的思想,一种噪声辅助数据分析方法,基于混沌的模拟退火算法。- Prediction Error Method for Parameter Identification- the idea of relaxation, A noise auxiliary data analysis method, Chaos-based simulated annealing algorithm.
- 微分方程组数值解方法,基于SVPWM的三电平逆变的matlab仿真,基于kaiser窗的双谱线插值FFT谐波分析。- Numerical solution of differential equations method, Based on SVPWM three-level inverter matlab simulation, Dual-line interpolation FFT harmonic analysis kaiser windows.