- Currently, the Proportional-Integral-Derivative (PID) algorithmis the most common control algorithm used in dustry. Often, people use PID to control processes that include heating and cooling systems, fluid level monitoring, flow control, and p
- this document presents an axplanation of grammar
- constant power control
- book written by cousteix describing the boundary layer theory
- WIFY模块ESP8266的官方用户手册文件,适合物联网开发-WIFI module ESP8266 official user manual file, suitable for Internet of things development
- Just an photo cat l-Just an photo cat lololololol
- Feedforward neural network structures have extensively been considered in the literature. In a significant volume of research and development studies hyperbolic tangent type of a neuronal nonlinearity has been utilized. This paper dwells on the w
- Even since the introduction of backpropagation in 1986, neural networks have gained considerable attention from researchers for more than two decades now. A variety of neural network models have been designed and applied successfully to solve
- This paper proposes an effective control scheme for three-phase three-wire (3P3W) active power filter using neural-based harmonic identification scheme. To achieve excellent steady state and dynamic response, the feedback control plus feed-fo
- The main contribution of this paper is using optimal control theory for improving the convergence rate of backpropagation algorithm. In the proposed approach, the learning algorithm of backpropagation is modeled as a minimum time control prob
- Measuring the blood urea nitrogen concentration is crucial to uate dialysis dose (Kt/V) in patients with renal failure. Although frequent measurement is needed to avoid inadequate dialysis efficiency, artificial intelligence can repeatedly pe
- Protocolo de acuerdo y teoría de grafos