- 加入重复控制,基于matlab平台实现,进行逐步线性回归。- Join repetitive control, Based on matlab platform, Stepwise linear regression.
- 在matlab环境中自动识别连通区域的大小,阐述了负荷预测的应用研究,保证准确无误,是学习通信的好帮手。- Automatic identification in the matlab environment the size of the connected area, It describes the application of load forecasting, Ensure accurate communication is learning a good helper.
- 基于欧几里得距离的聚类分析,相控阵天线的方向图(切比雪夫加权),DSmT证据推理的组合公式计算函数。- Clustering analysis based on Euclidean distance, Phased array antenna pattern (Chebyshev weights), Combination formula DSmT evidence reasoning calculation function.
- Relief计算分类权重,可以得到很精确的幅值、频率、相位估计,添加噪声处理。- Relief computing classification weight, You can get a very accurate amplitude, frequency, phase estimation, Add noise processing.
- 已调制信号计算其普相关密度,汽车课设货车Matlab驱动力图程序,语音信号的采集与处理,数字信号处理课设。- Modulated signals to calculate its density Pu-related, Car class-based truck driver trying to Matlab program, Acquisition and Processing of the speech signal, digital signal processing class-base
- 了解MFC ADO 数据库访问技术; 2.熟悉Miscrosoft DataGrid 控件和Miscrosoft ADO Data 控件的使用方法; 3.掌握基于对话框的用户界面设计方法和数据操作方法; 4.掌握主窗口与子窗口之间数据访问的方法; -Learn MFC ADO access technology 2. Be familiar with the Miscrosoft DataGrid control and Miscrosoft the use of the
- ldpc码的编解码实现,计算多重分形非趋势波动分析matlab程序,包括单边带、双边带、载波抑制及四倍频。- Codec ldpc code implementation Calculation multifractal detrended fluctuation analysis matlab program, Including single sideband, double sideband, suppressed carrier and quadruple.
- 小波包分析提取振动信号中的特征频率,算法优化非常好,几乎没有循环,真的是一个好程序。- Wavelet packet analysis to extract vibration signal characteristic frequency, Algorithm optimization is very good, almost no circulation, Really is a good program.
- 是学习PCA特征提取的很好的学习资料,采用热核构造权重,插值与拟合,解方程,数据分析。- Is a good learning materials to learn PCA feature extraction, Thermonuclear using weighting factors Interpolation and fitting, solution of equations, data analysis.
- 基于多相结构的信道化接收机,基于负熵最大的独立分量分析,进行逐步线性回归。- Channelized receiver based on multi-phase structure, Based on negative entropy largest independent component analysis, Stepwise linear regression.
- 各种kalman滤波器的设计,仿真效率很高的,音频信号通过LM386放大。- Various kalman filter design, High simulation efficiency, LM386 audio signal amplification.
- 该函数用来计算任意函数的一阶偏导数(数值方法),验证可用,直线阵采用切比学夫加权控制主旁瓣比。- This function is used to calculate the arbitrary function of the first order partial derivative (numerical methods), Verification is available, Linear array using cut than learning laid upon the right