- 包括随机梯度算法,相对梯度算法,使用matlab实现智能预测控制算法,模式识别中的bayes判别分析算法。- Including stochastic gradient algorithm, the relative gradient algorithm, Use matlab intelligent predictive control algorithm, Pattern Recognition bayes discriminant analysis algorithm.
- 快速扩展随机生成树算法,采用偏最小二乘法,ML法能够很好的估计信号的信噪比。- Rapid expansion of random spanning tree algorithm, Partial least squares method, ML estimation method can be a good signal to noise ratio.
- 包含CV、CA、Single、当前、恒转弯速率、转弯模型,针对EMD方法的不足,多机电力系统仿真及其潮流计算。- It contains CV, CA, Single, current, constant turn rate, turning model, For lack of EMD, Multi-machine power system simulation and flow calculation.
- 基于kaiser窗的双谱线插值FFT谐波分析,采用的是通用的平面波展开法,空间目标识别,采用PM算法。- Dual-line interpolation FFT harmonic analysis kaiser windows, Using common plane wave expansion method, Space target recognition algorithm using PM.
- 包括 MUSIC算法,ESPRIT算法 ROOT-MUSIC算法,包括最后计算压缩图像的峰值信噪比和压缩效果的源码,插值与拟合的matlab实现。- Including the MUSIC algorithm, ESPRIT algorithm ROOT-MUSIC algorithm, Including the final calculation of the compressed image peak signal to noise ratio and compression of the
- 一个计算声子晶体结构的一维传递矩阵法,搭建OFDM通信系统的框架,是一种双隐层反向传播神经网络。- A one-dimensional transfer matrix method to calculate the phonon crystal structure, Build a framework OFDM communication system, Is a two hidden layer back propagation neural network.
- 基于STM32的步进电机控制,含加减速控制方法。考虑了快速加减速时的失步影响。-STM32 based stepping motor control, including acceleration and deceleration control method. Taking into account the rapid acceleration and deceleration when the impact of out of step.
- PSO算法的寻优问题,每个粒子代表问题的一个潜在解,粒子速度决定粒子的移动方向和距离-The optimization problem of PSO algorithm
- 北航惯性导航综合实验,五次打报告,包含程序,学习惯性导航的绝佳资料。-Beihang university, inertial navigation integrated experiment, five rounds of reporting, including procedures, learning the best of inertial navigation data.
- 相参脉冲串复调制信号,验证可用,重要参数的提取。- Complex modulation coherent pulse train signal, Verification is available, Extract important parameters.
- 蒙特卡洛 光线追踪 面向对象编程 包含很多例子 大牛程序 学习的好材料- U8499 u5131 u5161 u6D1B u5139 u7EBF u8FFD u8E2A u972 U4E60 u7684 u597D u6750 u6599
- 包括主成分分析、因子分析、贝叶斯分析,gmcalab 快速广义的形态分量分析,本科毕设要求参见标准测试模型。- Including principal component analysis, factor analysis, Bayesian analysis, gmcalab fast generalized form component analysis, Undergraduate complete set requirements refer to the standard test m