- 没有哈哈`啊``晕死了我了啦```都说没有了啊-no ha ha `ah `` shocks of the Matata `` I said` no `ah
- 高质量C编程,软件开发面试必备High qualicy C and C++ Programming is very useful book for you!it is very important to interview-quality C programming, Software Development interviews essential High qualicy C and C Programming is ver y useful book for you! it is very
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- Introduction to Process Improvement and theCapability Maturity Model (CMM)软件CMM认证的介绍-Introduction to Process Improvement and t he Capability Maturity Model (CMM) certification of CMM software introduced
- 随着无线通信网络的发展,基于短消息服务业务的各种应用蓬勃兴起,本文介绍了短消息人机界面软件设计的实现过程。-wireless communication network with the development on the basis of short message service application of the different business booming, This paper introduces the man-machine interface SMS softwar
- 研究了Agent技术、语音技术和动画技术的应用。开发了具有C/S结构的智能语音人机界面的网络新闻邮件管理系统。-of agent technology, voice technology and animation techniques. With the development of C / S structure of the intelligent voice of the man-machine interface-mail news network management system.
- 在对复杂网络系统可靠性优化配置方法研究的基础上,编制出系统可靠度优化配置计算机程序.-in the complex network configuration system reliability optimization method on the basis of produce distribution system reliability optimization computer program.
- 本文采用VB编程access建库的方法,构造了一个学生管理信息系统,以满足一般学校学生信息化的要求.-this paper VB access the database, students construct a management information system to meet the general school students with the demand for information technology.
- 将VB良好的界面显示功能与Matlab强大的数据处理和图形绘制功能相结合,设计了机械控制工程实验系统的人机界面.-good will VB interface display and Matlab powerful data processing and graphics rendering functions combined designed a mechanical control system works experimental man-machine interface.
- 利用VisualBasic5.0高级语言,采用面向对象编程技术,开发工资管理系统,介绍系统的开发方法和经验.-use Visual Basic 5.0 and high-level language, object-oriented programming technology Development of the wage management system, introduced the system development methodology and experience.
- 游戏中水面的渲染,学习时候的资料,版权归原作者所有,仅供学习zhi 用-game surface exaggerated, study time information, all the property of authorship, is for learning with e.
- 这是一篇有关复杂网络系统可靠性符号表达式的微机实现的论文,可以为爱好者编程提供一个框架!-This is a complex network system reliability symbolic expression of micro-computer paper, lovers can provide a framework for programming!