- 学校工资支付系统可行性研究报告 包括 学校工资支付系统需求规格说明书 工资支付系统设计规格说明书 工资支付系统测试计划和分析报告 学校工资支付系统测试计划-The wages of the school pays the wages that the system possibility research paper includes the school to pay the system need specification manual wages to pay th
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programming pearls (complete)2
- programming pearls 之中的所有程序说明,主要是代码框架-programming pearls among all the procedures that are the main source framework
Consistent design of embedded real-time systems wi
- 顺序图和状态图被用来描述系统组建的特征,本来提出一种基于顺序图和状态图的协调性模型,用来更好得保证系统的时间特性。-sequence map and the state plan to be used to describe the characteristics of the formation system, originally proposed a plan based on the order of the state plan and the coordination model,
- PIC的程序范例能够供初学者学习,比较好的-example, the PIC procedure for beginners to learn, the better
- KRIGING插值算法,可用于三维图形产生,有详细说明-Prediction interpolation algorithm can be used to produce three-dimensional graphics, a detailed descr iption
Design patterns.Elements.of.Reusable.Object-Orient
- Design patterns,四人帮的著作,介绍面向对象的27个设计模式。-Design patterns, and the Gang of Four book on object-oriented design model 27.
- 此程序用于恒温箱控制,控温精度可达0.01摄氏度,是个不错的温控程序,以在实践中得到了验证-procedure for incubators control, temperature control accuracy of 0.01 degrees Celsius, is a good temperature control procedures to be in practice the certification
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- 软件工程文档,详细描述了如何编写软件开发中的可行性分析报告,非常值得保留-software engineering documents, a detailed descr iption of how to write software development feasibility analysis, very worthy of preservation
- 一个系统集成的方案,主要是从系统架构方面说的.这是比较高级的解决方案!-an integrated system of programs, mainly from the system architecture said. This is a more advanced solutions!
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