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- When a solar PV system is deployed for practical applications, the IV Charateristics keeps on changing with insolation and temperature. In order to receive maximum power the load must adjust itself and accordingly to track maximum power point. The
- The output characteristic of a photovoltaic array is nonlinear and changes with solar irradiation and the cell’s temperature. Therefore, a Maximum Power Point Tracking (MPPT) technique is needed to draw peak power the solar array to maximize the
- Many maximum power point tracking techniques for photovoltaic systems have been developed to maximize the produced energy and a lot of these are well established in the literature. These techniques vary in many aspects as: simplicity, convergence spe
- These techniques vary in many aspects as simplicity, digital or analogical implementation, sensor required, convergence speed, range of effectiveness, implementation hardware, popularity, cost and in other aspects. This paper presents in deta
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- 石油勘探地震资料处理标准数据输入源代码,保证能用-seismic data processing disk input
- 石油勘探地震资料处理标准数据输出源代码,保证能用-seismic data processing disk output
- 该程序是基于FPGA的verilog语言的编程,用于检测硬件中的3×3按键的状态信息-The program is a programming language for FPGA-based verilog for status information to detect hardware buttons 33
- A new Eulerian-Lagrangian coupling algorithm and improved multi-material ALE-capabilities have made LS-DYNA an efficient tool for analyzing large deformation processes, such as bird strike events and forging operations.
- The computation of fluid forces acting on a rigid or deformable structure constitutes a major problem in fluid-structure interaction-The computation of fluid forces acting on a rigid or deformable structure constitutes a major problem in fluid-struc
- The six hourglass formulations available in LS-DYNA for 8 node hexahedral elements are uated using the so called 3D Patch Test.-The six hourglass formulations available in LS-DYNA for 8 node hexahedral elements are uated using the so called 3D Patch